18- Resurrection

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**A few weeks later...**

Jonin: Lord Hokage! Harbinger just attacked the hidden Cloud Village... He took 362 people away with him!
Hokage: What?! He's just 13 years old! How could he do that?!

It turned out Harbinger's speech was touching. There's hate around the world, and he thought that if all hate comes together in one place, they'd be unstoppable. Turns out he was true.

Ash and Zed were chilling near the Hidden Death Forest. They hadn't changed a bit. After Harbinger left, he turned out to be dangerous. The first Hyuga to go rogue... never had we expected this to happen.

The next Hokage was soon to be chosen, and most people chose Hayate Sensei to take the position, as he was a member of the Sarutobi Clan. Hokage Konohamaru was amazing, but he was growing too old. 51 years to be exact.

Zed and I were given a mission, to go to the Land of Waves to give the old bridge builder's son, Inari, a message that the Hokage wants him to come to the Hidden Leaf Village. Once we'd arrived, after two hours of walking to be exact, we tried finding the village leader, but he wasn't to be seen. The village was still small, just like in the days of Hokage Naruto.
"Hokage Naruto..." I said. Zed asked me what's up with that and I replied "Hokage Naruto.... He was my Grandfather. His Kyuubi was entrusted in me. I will avenge my parents' death, no matter what it takes" Zed suddenly smiled, and said "I'll help you avenge them, Ash. After all, my clan's people were the ones who killed them". We found Inari. He was talking to a couple of shinobi. This was the confusing part. "When did the Land of Waves inquire shinobi? They never had any. The water is their specialty." I looked at their headbands, and an unknown village's sign had been carved on them. Inari was then walking away with the ninjas, and we lost him. Zed and I decided to split up to find him. He took half of the village while I took the other half

I had completely searched my half, and I bet myself that Zed must've found him. A few minutes later, Zed returned to me, running.
"Ash! Ash!" He screamed. I asked him what's up and he replied "Remember those shinobi? They're from the Village Hidden in the Air! Harbinger's own Village! You're parents are alive! They're in the Hidden Grass Village. Those shinobi are after them. Harbinger wants them and will pay them handsomely if they join the Air Village! Come on, we have to go!"

Ash stood still in shock, thinking about this huge, sudden change. Thinking about the past two years without them, he followed Zed, grabbed a map and left to find his missing parents...

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