CHAPTER 1: That's Not Part of the "What-To-Expect" List!

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The warmth radiated by the sun made Hope bask in its glory since the day was surprisingly chilly, an uncommon occurrence given the heat always experienced by the Philippines despite it already being October. She couldn't quite enjoy it for long, however, considering the fact that she should start prepping up for an event she'd be attending later. She couldn't help but rush herself, she felt fired up by her giddiness and excitement.

I can't wait, she thought, music, food, and fun, I'm coming for you!

Together with Ava and Rose, her close friends, they traveled to Makati, reaching the venue just in time before it started. The beat of the music had the three friends dancing, swaying, and, without a doubt, grinning as though they were teenagers once more. The loud music, the beat, and the colorful lights flashing about gave the event a youthful vibe.

A Music Festival. It's been ages since Hope came to one and she vowed to spend her time dancing and blissfully enjoying every second of it. The three women spent their time dancing as they sang along to the songs being played. Hope shook her head, laughing as Ava pointed out a few good-looking guys she saw.

Not long after, Hope felt her stomach grumbling; a reminder that she hadn't had lunch and it was already seven in the evening.

"I'll just buy food over there," Hope informed the two, her finger pointing at a nearby kiosk selling shawarma. Just the thought of taking a bite of freshly cooked shawarma had Hope's stomach singing praises.

As she walked towards the kiosk, she felt all sorts of emotions taking over her. After four years of college, she finally had freedom... Well, somewhat. College should always be followed by work as soon as it's finished, after all. Despite that, Hope couldn't help but beam in happiness. Anyone that saw her would smile at how contagious her happiness was.

Perhaps it was the inexplicable exhilaration momentarily caused her to zone out or, quite possibly, the hunger she felt that made her solely focus on the shawarma kiosk. Completely unaware of her surroundings, Hope failed to notice a man heading straight her way and he showed no sign of slowing down in his fast pace.

A man sprinted off when he saw the time, the event was about to start and he promised his band mates they'd meet up a few minutes before it did. He only wanted to grab a bite, was that so wrong? As he rushed through the crowd, he mentally prepared himself to perform later on and so he failed to notice a particularly enchanting, albeit preoccupied, young woman that was in his way.

The two acknowledged each other's presence too late, they had no time to stop and evade one another. The result? A collision.

Thank heavens I didn't buy myself dinner yet, Hope thought since the collision would have totally made her spill her food and she could not afford that.

"I am so sorry!" Accidentally colliding with someone slipped Hope's 'What To Expect' list, she could only splutter out a flustered apology.

Hope finally raised her eyes to check on the person she bumped into, utterly unsuspecting the sudden onslaught of warmth the stranger's eyes brought. Her train of thoughts flew to a different place once more, a place that praised a certain stranger's eyes. She immediately discarded the thought as soon as it came.

The stranger cleared his throat and gave the flustered woman an adorable grin, "It's alright, I'm sorry as well. Are you good?"

"Yeah, just hungry."

"I'll leave you to it then, see you around!" he waved goodbye before dashing off once more but, anyone could see the laughter that sparkled within his eyes with a little bit more scrutiny.

The two parted ways with one rushing off and the other eager to buy food. Even after taking a bite of food, Hope could not forget the charming stranger and his enthralling eyes that seemed to have had her in a trance for a moment.

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