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Dear Evan,

In all honesty, I don't know how to start this letter. I guess I'll start it with a thank you. Thank you for all the moments, Evan. Thank you for all the memories you helped me create. Thank you for letting me in, for letting me help you, even if it's already at the very end.

You made me realize the most important thing I needed to do, Evan, and for that I'm thankful. But, in order to do that most important thing, I have to leave. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for informing you this way, I'm sorry for leaving without a proper goodbye.

I'm afraid that if I see you one last time, I won't leave. I have to leave Evan, I hope you understand. It's for my own sake.

I hope you don't blame yourself for me leaving. It's not because of you, Evan. You're the one that made me realize that I have to do something for my sake, for once. So I can heal.

While I'm gone, I hope you'll stop living in your past. I hope you'll finally live in the present and strive for a beautiful future. I hope you'll truly try working on yourself, as how I'll be working on myself too. I can only say one thing about your past, I know that you would have definitely been a good father.

You know, I've actually known your voice for quite a while. It was way back during college when I first heard your voice, but I didn't know who the owner was. I'm glad that I found out, it was you all along.

I won't forget every moment we shared, Evan. Both the good and the bad. It might be painful to remember, but I'll always remember you.

Everytime I look at the night sky and see the moon, I'll remember you. I'll think of you.

Before I end this letter, I just want you to know how I truly feel about you. I love your voice, it's literally music to my ears. I love the way you sing your heart out while you're on stage. I love the charm that you have that makes every girl fall down on their knees. I love the way your fingers move along the piano, the way you strummed the guitar a few days back.

I love the way you sang to me at that restaurant. I love the way you slowly hum songs playing on the car radio. I love the subtle glances I receive from you.

I love your smile, the way your eyes crinkle and sparkle when you genuinely smile. I love how your laugh resounds in my ears. I love the subtle efforts you did for me. I love how you didn't forget any detail about me, even if I was just constantly chattering.

I love how you were patient with me. I love how you just went on with anything I planned. I love how you make me smile unknowingly. I love how you make my day. Although, I hate feeling all these feelings for you, you should know that I love you.

And maybe, one day, if fate allows, we'll meet each other again. At the right time, at the right place, under better circumstances.

Yours, Hope. 

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