CHAPTER 6: Eyes Shine Differently

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After the day at the cafe, Rose kept ranting about everything that transpired with such enthusiasm and genuine happiness. All details were spilled like tea to their group of friends so everyone could be updated with each one's lives or, as they usually put it, updated with the 'chika'.

Hope, however, did not say a word about what happened with Evan, she had yet to tell them what had happened with her and Evan while they were ordering. Every time she thought back to that moment, she felt as if her heart would burst. She would forever treasure that moment in her heart.

She was at The Wintour's , having a weekly meeting with her staff, when she got a text from Evan. A text she did not expect at all.

"Call me when you can, Hope :)"

"Meeting dismissed, you guys can go back to your work," Hope smiled warmly at her employees and packed up her things to distract herself from the feeling of her heart tingling because of the message.

"Ma'am Hope, your eyes shine differently today." One of the staff commented, she worked for The Wintour's way before Hope was born. She witnessed Hope bloom to what she was today.

"Really, ate Yvie? Well, I don't think so, but thank you anyway." Hope kindly smiled at Yvie as she gathered her hair to one side.

"No, really 'nak. Something's changed."

"Maybe..." Hope trailed off, her eyes spaced off as her thoughts went back to a certain engineer who had the knack for singing.

"I'll get going now, Ma'am Hope. I hope you'll always have that sparkle in your eyes, you deserve it."

"Thanks ate Yvie, you're the best."

As soon as Yvie left the meeting hall, Hope checked her phone to make sure if Evan really texted her. She thought she only imagined it, maybe she was delusional, but no. The text remained there, its presence screaming over at Hope.

I'm not dreaming, am I? Hope pinched herself to make sure, and - ouch!

Hope looked at the clock, waiting for time to pass by before she called Evan. She didn't want to come off as too eager, so she waited. Finally, after 5 minutes ticked away, she decided to call Evan. It rang once before being answered by the receiver.

Someone's eager...

"How have you been, Evan?" Hope asked, curling a strand of her hair in the process. It'd been days since they last talked, since they last met. The familiar butterflies in her stomach were back.

"It's been good, but we have no time to talk about that." Excitement could be heard from his voice.

"Huh? What do you mean? Did something happen?" Her tone displayed the emotions she felt: confusion with a dash of more confusion and a pinch of concern.

"No, I mean yes, but it's nothing bad. Don't worry." Evan reassured once he sensed Hope's concern in the midst of her confusion.

"So what happened?" Confusion, complete and utter confusion.

Hope furrowed her brows, her forehead crinkling as she did so, and her head tilted quite a bit in her puzzlement.

"Adrian wants to meet Rose again!" 

"Really?! Yes, I knew it!" Hope exclaimed, her free hand came up and fist pumped in the air.

Exhilaration rushed between the two of them and it clearly showed in their tone of voice. They would be able to set their best friends up, for the second time, and they would be able to meet each other again.

Hope felt eager for both reasons while Evan, on the other hand, anticipated more on the former reason. He tried to ignore the slight surge of excitement his heart felt at the thought of seeing Hope again, he dreaded the building of emotions that slowly creeped up to his heart. He didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve her.

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