CHAPTER 7: She Really is In Love

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Hope's heart whispered, I'll figure you out, Evan Hunter.

You shouldn't enter my life, Hope Wintour.

As soon as Adrian's gaze met Rose's, he waved his hand at the two women, "Hey, they're here!"

Evan broke his gaze with Hope, and replied, "Yeah, I know, I tried to catch your attention for a reason. Excited to see the love of - I mean Rose?"

"Are you ready to meet the girl you'll end up wi- I mean, Hope?" Adrian remarked, he raised a challenging brow towards Evan, a smug smirk plastered on his face.

Evan cleared his throat and shook his head slightly, "You know I'm not ready yet, I don't know when I'll be."

"Maybe you just need a little push, you might finally be able to move on-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Rose cut off Adrian as they neared the guys.

"It's nothing, fleur," Adrian absentmindedly assured her, tilting his head to the side and giving her a cutesy grin. With how tall he was and the build of his body, he looked too endearing with that smile.

"Fleur?" Hope questioned, a silly smile tugged her lips at the nickname Adrian gave to her best friend.

"Flower, Rose, that sort of thing," Adrian stuttered, averting his eyes and staring at the ground. He looked like a timid schoolboy caught with his hand in the cookie jar!

Rose felt herself grinning up at Adrian, finding him too adorable with his look and all, "I like it, Mosley, don't worry."

Adrian raised his head up, looking at Rose with wide eyes before grinning back, "Fleur it is then."

Evan didn't want to be the spoil sport but he had to remind everyone that the amusement park wouldn't wait for them for the whole day, "Come on guys, the fun's waiting for us."

Evan and Hope let Rose and Adrian in front of the line. By doing so, Evan was the one beside Hope, and Adrian was the one beside Rose. The familiar butterflies and nervousness started again for Hope, but this time, she wouldn't let it get in the way of her goal: figure out Evan.

Hope observed that Evan was more silent than usual, more guarded perhaps. Evan noticed that Hope was observing him and he was afraid that he might let more on than he should, so he cleared his throat and started talking.

"How did you guys get here?"

"We carpooled, Rose drove. Kayo?" Hope tilted her head with her eyes trained on Evan's side profile, wanting to decipher this mysterious Evan.

"I drove." Evan shortly, coldly, answered. He knew that Hope was trying to break his walls, and he wouldn't let her, not today, not forever.

"Okay" was the only thing Hope could reply because, well... She didn't exactly know what to reply to that.

"Anyway, what's our game plan?" Evan inquired, his body turned slightly towards Hope to get her attention but he honestly didn't have to. Her attention was already directed towards him.

"Game plan? Never knew that I would hear that from Mr. Evan. Didn't know you were a matchmaker too."

"What? It's the reason why we're here, right?" His words poured a bucket of ice cold water on Hope, reminding her that they had completely different goals.

It's not the reason I'm here, Hope thought.

"Definitely, it's the reason why we're here."

"So... game plan?" Evan asked, once again, his eyes wandered to where Rose and Adrian were lined up for a ride. He sighed and ruffled his hair up as his thoughts jumbled up because Hope was near him.

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