Democracy Around The Dead

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Two hours in, an infected male student broke in, responding to Rei's meltdown. 

Half of our classmates were being eaten, and the other half was killed off trying to exit the school.

Hisashi, Kona, Saya and I darted for the management building since it was the only building with metal, swinging doors we could take a break in and figure out our next move, dragging the now crying Rei behind me. 

Kona and Saya instantly barricaded the door and I slapped Rei, getting her attention. " Shut the hell up. You're going to get us all killed. All of this drama isn't going to be tolerated anymore. Either wisen the fuck up or I am leaving your useless ass to be eaten by the undead." I whispered, but I would rather yell. 

She starred at me blankly then walked away from me. 

" Anyone know where there might be supplies around here?" Kona asked. " I've never been to this area." 

" I have," Saya whispered. " There's a storage area across the hall outside of the door.

" Wish we could've through the door's windows, would be easier." I whispered. " Think we could see through that tiny crack under the door?"

Kona got down and looked, then got up and got away from the door. " I didn't hear any of them or smell. The only way we're going to be able to see if they are there is to open the door a little." 

" Here," Hisashi whispered, handing me the bat. " You have a better swing than me." 

Saya moved the desk a tad bit and listened. Nothing outside made a sound. 

Peaking through the small crack, I could see the hallway was clear on both sides.

" Alright, come on. Be quiet." I warned. 

We all softly walked across the hallway and Kona shut the door behind us. 

" There are supplies in here, the necessary ones, but nothing in here to transport them in." Saya stated.

" Damn." I whispered. 

" Think we could get to the dorms?" Rei whispered. " The girls need to put actual clothes on. We don't know if some blood gets on our skin if it can still infect us."

" What's some cloth going to do then?" Hisashi whispered. 

" Keep us warm. Hygen." Saya whispered. 

" Alright. Here's the plan. We wait. From the way this thing spreads, the whole school has to be filled with these things by now. There's going to be constant noise for a while, so they have to clear out. What do you guys think?" I whispered.

" It makes sense. We just need to make sure those things don't get in because that door is the only way out." Saya whispered, fixing her glasses.

" So you guys OK with it?" 

No one said anything to object to it. 

" Alright." 

" There's some paint that we can use to cover up th-" Kona started then was interrupted.

" Guys look." Rei whispered, pointing at the window, trembling. 

I turned my head say one of them just standing there, looking into the room where we were. I fell backward, I caught myself, but my bat clung against the floor. 

It moved closer to the glass, pressing its bloody face up against it, then stopped and staired more. 

He lingered there for a few more minutes, then screams lored it away.

" There blind." I said quietly.

" Shhh." Saya whispered. 

" It's fine. They also have reduced hearing." Kona said as she looked ou the window. " We can speak normally when there a good ways away."

" Might also be because we're in a room. To be on the safe wide, we need to get used to whispering." Hisashi whispered.

" Yeah, alright," I whispered. 

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