The Good, The Bad, And The Dead Ugly Bastards

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" Where do you need me?!" I asked Kona over the gunfire.

" BACK EXIT! YOU CAN PIKE THEM THROUGH THE WINDOWS!" She yelled down as she used the last of her heavy ammo. 

I carefully made my way to the back and saw that the door was wide open, the dead starting to creep in.

" BREACH!" I yelled as I started to take them down, the dead starting to crawl through the open windows. 

The person that did this was nowhere to be found, or so I thought. 

I found the other teenage bot's body in the corner, his brains splattered against the small closet.

" BREACH GOD DAMMIT!" I announced as I closed the last door, barracking it with ceder blocks, hoping the other loud sounds around us would draw them away from the back.

" How many?" Almya asked darting for me, her shirt tearing down the middle.

" I don't know!" I snapped. 

" Alright,just cool it, kay. If we keep it down they will go somewhere else."

I took a deep breath. " Your right. Sorry." 

" Is cool. We can't let anger get to us. We have to be calm and collected."

" SHIT!" I screamed as a hand drove itself through the metal door and grabbed onto my throat. Almya cutting it of from the owner as quick as possible. 

" Easy."


Almya covered up my mouth and I grabbed onto her hand as tears swelled up in my eyes. 

I'm such a fucking mess.

" We're back," Takashi said rushing in through a window that was to our right. " Saya, hey." 

I hugged Takashi and started to cry into him, breaking down. " I'm so sorry. I'm not strong. I'm not." 

" You are. It took this long for you to break down. I need you to continue to be strong because I need your help. I have a plan. I need you to come with me though, right now." 

" What is it?" I asked, sniffling. 

" A way to save us. Come on." Takashi said, pulling me up.

I darted out the window behind Takashi. 

After we stopped, Takashi said to let it lose and I did. 

All of the rage, fright, and sadness came spewing out, yelling, screaming at the top of my lungs, and when I was done, I was being dragged along by Takashi, unknowingly. 

" Where are we going?" I asked him. 

" The police station. Syeshe found a radio that works. We do need ammo and more guns." 

" Nice Takashi. There leaving," Kona said through his radio. " But we still have a few reaches to handle." 

" Hang in there, we are headed back." 


"What the fuck!?" Takashi yelled. 

" That way's blocked too?" I asked. 

" I don't get this! This wasn't like this!" 

" Shhh," I hushed. " Someone is clearly fucking with us. Do you want us to die before we can get this guy?" 

" Sorry." 

" Can we go through the houses?" 

" No, there full of the dead."

" Well, can we climb over this shit?" 

" Unless we want to get cut up badly." 

" Well we have to get back." 

" I'll go first."

Takashi climbed up, being highly careful but still got cut up. " It's clear, come on." 

I got cut a few times to, but not as much as Takashi and we bolted back to the mall, seeing a functioning helicopter on the roof, seeing that they were taking the other people with them.

Takashi shot his gun a few times, but they didn't hear it. 

They took off as Syeshe and the rest of the group fighting of a horde of the undead that was drawn to the mall by the helicopter. 

Takashi gave me one of his pistols and started killing some of them, and as the helicopter lifted off, I started shooting in the air to see if I could lore them away more, and nothing. 


They raged towards her like a flip of a coin and started to tear her apart.

I shot her before she could turn as Kona screamed and cried as she was carried away by Miss Marikawa. 

We were on the run again. The only choice we had was to go to the police station.

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