Respect Among The Dead

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Takagi's Father Souichiro gave a speech on our group's behalf and handed us dog tags. They had our name's on it, our blood types, and our jobs listed on them.

" You are to respect these men and women. They have proven to me that they are strong wheeled survivors, and that is what I expect from all of you. Now get back to your responsibilities, lunch will be served on time today!" 

" Father," Takagi said as he started to walk past us. " You are aware of the dead, correct Sir? About them, maybe what happened?" 

" I was hoping you did." Her Father said as he continued to walk.

" They are blind, and there hearing is damaged so they are only drawn to loud sounds. However, I do not how it started Father, but I do know where the outbreak began. It began in the Shoya Faction." 

" I thank you for the information Takagi. You and your friends need to report to your jobs. We have been heavily underhanded recently." 

" Yes Father. I, We will not let you down." 

" I know, Takagi." 

We reported to our jobs and fortunately we fitted in well. Mr. Takagi had put a major fire under there ass's. 

To bad the piece no longer lasted when an H. A. N. E. hit. 

" Time t splatter some brains!" I yelled as I heard a car wreck, then a wave of those dead basterds started sprinting for the barricade. " Don't let them her close, they are scary strong!" 

The other men and women listened to me and we took care of them. " We're going to have to keep more guards on the gate sir!"  

" Decide without my permission," I heard Mr. Takag say. " Trust your own decisions." 

" The peacekeeping people ofJapan are at it again Sir." I overheard a man tell Mr. Takagi.

" It's always the damn people that are the real danger, Sir. Watch your back." 

" Move them to the South Wing of the property and lock them in there until they come to there senses. They're going to bring more dead upon us."

" Look alive." One of the women said after I took another shot.

" Damn it, I can't see anything out of my sight!" One of the men yelled. 

" Aim a little higher and you will hit them!" I yelled. " Damn things, they still should be across the river." 

" THERE SICK!" A woman yelled followed by a loud scraping noise that then was followed by screams and gunshots.

" THE BITCH OPENED THE DAMN GATE!" A man yelled rushing towards Mr. Takagi.

" The majority of you guys stay there, I only need few to back me up." I said as I climbed down from the small, man-made watchtower. 

The two women followed me and we defended the living from the dead.

" NO, STOP!" The women yelled. " YOU'RE KILLING THEM!" 

" KONA!" I heard Takagi yell. 

A range rolled towards us and I managed to toss it at the dead, but some of the shrapnel got to my hand, severing a few fingers.

We were breached and I was losing a lot of blood. 


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