Military For The Dead

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( Rei's P.O.V.)

The helicopter landed in the middle of a cracked town, snow crunching under our feet as we walked away from the helicopter so they could take off again. 

 " Wait, this isn't snow, it's ash. God, I'm exhausted." 

" How far is the hideout Kiri?" Takashi asked as I and Syeshe looked around. 

" Through here," Kiriko said, opening a small, sewer hatch. " The community is down here." 

" It's very distinct Kiri," Syeshe said as Kiri sharted climbing town the hatch. " Flashlights out, it's dark down here." 

I was the second one to last to go down the hatch. It felt like hours before my feet hit the ground, and I'm not exaggerating. 

" That was a monster." Saya said, trying to catch her breath.

" Some more bad news," Kiri said. " The base is pretty far into the sewers." 

" I thought you liked me Kiri?" Saya said, almost whining.

" It is safer that way." Takashi pointed out. 

" I know but still, I'm the brains, not the muscle!"

" Want me to carry you?" Kona asked.

"Please do." 

Saya jumped onto Kona's back and we started moving, taking a break every few hours. 

" How long does it take to get there?" I asked my Mom.

" A few days." 

" God kill me." 

The few days passed, along with a few hours, and we finally reached the underground community.

We all collapsed on a few old pieces of furniture and rested for a few hours, not minding that we were covered in sweat, blood, and dirt and absolutely reeked.

After that we all got a shower with a short shower of warm water, new clothes, and some really good home cooking. 

" How many rescues have you guys done?" I asked Mom as she led us to our rooms.

" Everyone that's here."

" That's impressive." Syeshe said as we climbed the staircase to the third floor of the Hotel.

The sewer system comments to the business in the town so the community uses it to there advantage as they are building a wall around the scorched and still slightly burning town.

" Rest up, one of the National Guard members will come and get you when it's time for your to come and get assigned your job." 

" I'm not tired Mom. I want to be with you." I told her as the boys went into there room and the girls went to there room.

" Rest up. We will be together plenty by the end of the day." 

" Mom... please." 

I almost started crying. I needed to tell her about Dad. She deserves to know.

" Rest sweetie, you've earned it." 

She turned and left, leaving me in the hall. 

" Holy shit. This bed is awesome!" Alice yelled.

Later. It's always later. 

I need you Mom. More than ever, and you left me.

Like you always do when I need you. 


I woke up to Alice snuggling up close to me. 

Light from outside filled the once dimly lit room as a group of teenage boys in National Guard PT uniforms jogged passed the shut door of my room. 

The room was empty. Kona was gone, but on her bed sat two bagged lunches and two soda's.

Mom was playing favorites again. 

Kona's P.O.V.

Another monster fell at the hand of me,it's brains being splattered onto a car.

I loved doing this again. Killing these things was the only therapy I would get.

" And that's the sniper the Sergent wants to recruit?" A woman said as I felt eyes on me. " I bet she's useless in short-range combat." 

I was. Well, sort of. I f I had a spear or a sword, I would be alright, but really close proximity, yeah, I completely sucked.

" Clear!" I yelled after one shot.

" Alright, your shifts up. Go get cleaned up solder!" One of the few Army Recruiters that were here said. 

I flipped the safety on the Bluegrass Armory Viper and got down from the short tower and went to go get a bath, and as I passed some shorter girls than me in Navy PT uniforms, I was punched out of nowhere. 

I yelled out as I shielded my face as another one hit me. " See! She's a pipsqueak! She doesn't deserve to be on our team. I bet she was a spoiled brat before the shit hit the fan!" A woman yelled.

I got my balance and I punched her back, hearing her jaw crack while her head whipped itself to the side.

I was sick of people treating me like shit.

" HOW DID THAT FEEL HUH?! FUCKING BITCH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, then walked off, not wanting more of a seen.

I got to the female showers, turned the warm water on, and plopped my naked ass onto the clean tile and began making decisions I should have made long ago. 

This was the last day I was a wimp behind guns.

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