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( Syeshe's P.O.V.)

I smiled as Kona found her happy place again. She stopped after a few minutes, then assigned guns to everyone, going in-depth on how to use it, what ammo it uses, etc.

She assigned Rei the H&K MP5SFK suppressed, quickfire, SMG, I, along with Alice got a Colt officer's pistil, Miss Marikawa was handed the Beretta M4 SUPER 90 pistol, Saya got the BERETTA M92 VERTEC, and Takashi got the M1014JSCS A BENELLI M4 SUPER 90, fr short it is a combat shotgun used by the U.S. Marine Corps and the English Army.

We also find some medical herbs, flashlights, backpacks, some working sights, and lots of ammo.

" Rei!?" Saya shouted. " Where's the command control center?" 

" The top floor." Rei said as we all continued to pack the supplies.

" Hurry up than guys, we're wasting daylight." 

" Were almost done." I told her. 

She gave me a pair of stink eyes. "You're not even helping them-"

" Saya." Takashi called. 

" Ugh, whatever. I'll go by my self."

" I got her." I told the worried-looking Takashi, his hot figure tensing. 

" I didn't want you as an audience." Saya snapped as she stomped up the first flight of stairs.

" I'm quiet. You know that." 

" Then how about you just shut up! I'm not helpless!" 

" I never said you were. Your stong," I smirked. "Honestly, it's cute."

Saya started on the second flight of stairs. Blushing deeply, she bit into memory, and continued to don't until we reached the top floor. 

She swung the door open as I smiled. " Wasitsohardto just tell me you wanted to vent?"

She huffed. " No. I don't need permission to do anything."

" I never said you had to." I shut the door. 

I checked out the rest of the room as Saya started wieldy typing. There was blood everywhere. Along with bodies with weapons on them.

" Shit," Saya said. " Why the hell was an A J alert initiated?!" 

" What exactly is that?" 

She calmed down. " Short version, it's a warning system for natural disasters. DoI have to explain what that is to you?" 

" Not at all."

" Good. This thing differently has a stronger battery than everything else I've seen. The fuck!? You're kidding me?! Now they decide to start evacing!? Piece's of shit!" 

" It's all the government's fault. That's why people stay to themselves and do their own thing. Like we have had to do."

" Don't worry. Leaving less important people behind is their motto. Come on, the only thing I can think of checking out next is each conference room, each police office... it's going to take awhile. There has to be something here." 

We cleared the first few floors with ease, then got jump scared by our radios screaming because Saya and I were so close together.

" Oh GOD!" Saya yelled at the noise. 

" What's up?" I asked Kona.  " And just radio me back."

" I found a meeting point. Niidoko Third Elementry School."

" Did you find anything else?" 

" No. Sorry." 

" It's fine cupcake. We are coming back down." 

" Cupcake, huh?" 

" Yours is Kiwi."

" Why not strawberry?" That is the color of my hair."

" So you do like my nickname?"

She huffed. " Whatever." 

( Sorry for wanting to redesign the characters. If you read them with the original character design, it's cool. That's what I wrote them in. I only did a different version because some people like different things. You read them as you wish.) 

We all made our wat to the elementary school. There was dead everywhere. 

We killed and killed them, but they kept coming. 

" Where they'll are these fuckers coming from!" Saya finally yelled. " This area is in the middle of nowhere!" 

" Do you think they crossed the river?" Alice asked. 

" It's possible. They do not have working lungs." I noted as blood strayed the ground. 

" None of these people belong here Takashi." Rei said as I continued to clear our path.

" More of them are coming up on the sides!" Alice cried in fear.

" You think that person is up to this?" Saya asked.

" The blocker or the shooter?" Takashi asked.

" Both maybe." 

" We're going to need to get out of this spot sooner or later." Miss Marikawa said. 

" There is an opening!" I shouted. 

We bolted to the right then I sliced through the ones that were waiting for us, then were met by the elementary school.

The horror's of the sight hit Takashi so hard he vomited so much.

Drawing attention to us. 

" THIS WAY!" A woman yelled.

Rei turned first. " MOM!" 


I pulled Takashi along. We ran torso long, it exhausted everyone, but those things never let up.

" THERE STARVING!" Saya yelled as she fired her pistol. " THAT'S WHY THERE NOT LETTING UP!" 


A few more blocks. Come on.

We turned the corner to find the helicopter, and Miss Marikawa's eyes sparkled. " RIKA!" 

We all collapsed when we made it onto the chopper and as we lifted off, Rika and other military personal laid it on to Them as they darted for the lifting off chopper. 

A few grenades later, we lifted off, Takashi still hurling out of the chopper as the rain continued to pour. 

" Is he alright?" Rika asked as Miss Marikawa repeatedly hissed her face and neck.

" Far from it. All of us are." 

" Well, you're going to be relieved when we land," Rei's Mom said. " Our compound is completely secure." 

" Because it's underground. That's the only reason." Rika said, lighting a cigarette, which was quickly taken from her my Miss Marikawa.

" Will we be safe there Sy?" Alice asked, looking up at me.

" I don't know. I really don't." 

" That is the reality of all of this I'm afraid," Rika said. " The harsh truth." 

" Well be alright," Saya said, reassuring us. " We made it this far." 

" She's right."I said.

But that may change because the new world is already changing. Making it even more liable to collapse again.

( I will be finishing this story out after I finish the main one I am working on currently. I hope I have satisfied the hardcore fans od this great anime so far!)

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