Welcoming Of The Dead

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( Kona's P.O.V.)

" I thought the river was supposed to be warm?" Alice asked stirring the water around her. 

" When it's warm like this for a few days, it changes the temperature." Takagi explained. 

" Oh, okay." Alice said as I poured some water over her head, wetting her hair so I could wash it. 

We had to stay close to the edge because the river current was stronger than usual.

" I'm going to go ahead and fix dinner," Takagi said drying off then dressing. " You guys better hurry up, it felt like the current is reaching the edge. 

" We will." 

After I quickly did Alice's hair she got back up on land and washed herself off up there, followed by me a few minutes later.

" Did that help with your shoulder Kona?" Takashi asked. 

" A little, it's just cramping up, its nothing miner." 

Alice yawned as I hosted her up then entered the small quarters and curled up against the already laying down Syeshe who flipped over after Alice asked if she could snuggle up against him. 

He held her close and she quickly fell asleep. 

" Man I'm glad we stayed here. I didn't know when you dropped your guard you get so tired so fast," Takashi said leaning against the amphibious tank. " Thanks, Takagi." 

" Your welcome. And it was just common sense Komoro." She responded putting the pot full of flat noodles in the boiling water, along with the broccoli. 

I kept watch until everyone ate then Takagi took watch as I went down to the quarters and cuddled up with a pillow, slowly drifting off to the sound of the river.

Yawning, I woke up and it was dark outside. I rustled to get comfortable again but failedsoI went up to the desk and talked to Syeshi until we switched and he went back to bed. 


The sunrise was beautiful. I wanted to just sit there and stare at it, but I had to keep watch, and good thing I did or else wouldn't have caught the large pack of undead that was moving towards us.

I applied a silencer to my AR 15 and took them out, only having to use a half of the clip to take them out.

A few hours later, everyone started to wake up and after we had fruit cocktail for breakfast, we headed down the river again. 

It took an hour in a half to get to where we were supposed to go then the tank crawled up a slightly flatter incline and we started making our way to Takagi's house.

" Holy shit, look stall of them." I said as Miss Marikawa said turning around the corner. 

The tank turned the corner and it was worse. 

" Just charge through them, it will be fine," Takagi said. " The speed that we're going, we'll turn them into butter."

" WIRE!" Syeshe yelled. 

" Were!" Takagi yelled back. 

" End of the street!" 

" Miss Marikawa, slowly hit the breaks and turn the wheel to the side. The wheels are going to lock. Tap the gas some and then break again if the wire holds up." 

Miss Marikawa did what I said and we came to a hunting stop, the wire stopping the vehicle in its tracks. 

Takagi whipped out the map as Syeshe and I started shooting, taking care of the massive wave of undead.

" We're on the right track, but were going to have to abandon the vehicle." Takagi screamed over the gunfire. 

" It's almost out of gas anyway," Miss Marikawa said. " Get ready to run!" 

" There'sastaircase to our right!" I yelled. " Get packed up and tell us when you're ready! We'll cover for along as possible!" 

A large barrier of the undead's dead bodies started to form, making it harder for the undead to reach us. Syeshe and I were running out of rifle ammo so I got the Uzi's that we had and got closer, moving then down while Syeshe took care of the ones that were coming from the sides, now being covered by Takashi and his shotgun.

As soon as we made a dent a large group of mysterious people showed up on the other side of the wire and the one in front yelled "EVERYBODY DOWN!" then opened up the water hose that they had and started turning the undead into mush, then the women yelled at us to start crossing the wire.

" It's fine guys, it's my Mom!" Takagi yelled and then Takagi jumped off of the side of the tank and landed on the cushioned piece of fabric. 

The person continued to cover us until all of us had crossed the wire and then the others picked up rifles and opened fire, dispatching the rest of the undead.

Millions of thank you's and hugs later, Takagi's Mother Yuroko took us back to Takagi Estate, and our welcome as expected, filled with strangers staring at us, silently speaking their disgust.

" All of you go ahead and go over to the medical tent to be checked out. When you're done, bring them to the East Building Saya." Miss Takagi told us. 

" Yes, Mother." Takagi replied than led us over to the tent, placing our weapons in a cart, then they were returned us once we were checked out.

We met Miss Takagi in the East Building and placed our weapons on the rack and sat down, was served a meal, then given a change of clothing and directed to the shower rooms. 

We deserved the respect we were getting, and it was nice. 

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