The Dead Way to Safety

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( Kona's P.O.V.) 

" Where the hell have you guys been?" Takashi asked as Takagi and her rushed into the house, me shutting the door behind them. 

" We ran into some fucking psychopaths," I said, looking out the window. " We lost them, hopefully." 

" I see headlights." Syeshe radioed down to us. 

" You guys go to the basement, all of you, and take the supplies. Be ready to dart out that door at any moment." Takashi said, heading up to the attic.

" What's going on?" Alice asked as Takagi, Miss  Marikawa, Rei and I rushed down the stairs to the basement. 

" Some bad people are here and we need to be very quiet." I whispered to her as we all went to the far corner of the basement, bidding in between the washer and the wall and waited, hearing whoever it was entering the house, raiding it. 

Alice started crying and Takagi held her tight, covering some of the noise as I aimed my silenced sniper rifle at the stairs, ready to shoot, but they never have down.

Everyone was equally clueless. Anyone with eyes could see that there was a door there.

" They're gone." Takashi said over the walkie. 

" Do you even know that they wanted?" Syeshe asked as Alice and I cleaned up a tad. 

" No clue. When they had us cornered all they were doing was talking jibberish.  We couldn't tell what they were saying." 

" Were's Hisashi?" Rei asked, walking into the room. 

" He did not make it. Apologies." Syeshe said, Takashi falling instantly silent.

" YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT, CAN YOU!" Rei shouted, shoving Takashi with such force that when his back hit the front of the fish tank, it shattered, the fish and water flooded the floor, causing Takashi to blackout.

" Seriously Rei!" I yelled as Rei slammed the door to the garage behind her. 

" Damn, he's bleeding everywhere." Miss Marikawa said, looking at Takashi. 

" Here, please fix him." Alice said.

" I'll do my best." 


( Takashi's P.O.V.) 

I woke up to Kona and Alice singing a new, much more frightening version of " Row your boat".

" Don't teach her that you fat lard!" Takagi yelled. " She's a kid!" 

I looked around and we were in the, ow, it fucking hurts my brain to think. The floating, swimming tank. 

And then I found Syeshe passed out, his head on my lap, droll coming out of his mouth. 

Why am I comfortable with this. 

" Hang on to something guys." Miss Marikawa said. " The tank is going to have to climb a pretty steep looking incline.

" That's weird," Alice said. " Why was that stuff there?" 

" Looks like whoever it was was trying to keep anyone from coming over here." Takagi said. 

" I'll stay here with Takagi, Takashi and Syeshi can scout the area to find more supplies just in case we get split up." Kona said.

" What can I do?" Alice asked as Takagi hopped down, landing on the healthy green grass, 

" Take these and use them to look around. You'll be our lookout." 

" I'm a little, tied up at the moment." I said, turning attention to me and Syeshe. 

" Someone's enjoying himself." Rei scoffed from above.

" Could someone help me out?"

" Dead!" Alice yelled.

Kona fired, causing Syeshe to jump up, realizing what he did, he apologized. 

" It's cool." 

" Shall we?" 

" I'll follow you." 

So he was conscious. Wait, since I enjoyed that, does that make me gay?

" There should be way more than this, right?" Miss Marikawa asked.

" Yeah, this was where it initially happened, according to those papers." Takagi said as Rei slid off the top, followed by me and Syeshe. 

" I'm coming with you." Rei spat as I loaded my rifle.

" Whatever. Just stay close and don't talk loud." 

" Let's move. I can see a small store a few blocks away." Syeshe said, then handed the binoculars back to Alice. 

" Be careful guys!" Alice thinned. 

" We will kiddo." I said as I walked hastily, catching up with Syeshe. 

We made it to the small store, seeing it in disarray. 

" It looks like a tornado hit in here." I commented softly. 

" God, the smell in here." Rei huffed silently. 

" There is not much food left, a few cases of water, some dog food and some hygiene stuff, that's it." Syeshe whispered on the other side of the aisle. 

" Maybe there is some stuff under the rubble?" I asked myself. " No, it would be to loud to move it." 

" There are more supplies in this backroom, however..." 

" What?" 

He did not say anything.

" Sy?" 


I rounded the corner to see him staring intently into through the blood and brain sprayed wall. 

When I went closer to check and serif Syeshe was alright and saw that the large room that was full of supplies and bodies was full of children that had turned into the dead.

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