Creeping Around The Dead

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" Let's move." I whispered. 

" Right and left clear." Kona said. 

" Alright, stay close and quiet."

" Good luck." Saya whispered. 

" Keep her safe." I found myself saying, earning a look from Hisashi. 

Even though she was a bitch of a human being, I still loved her. 

I changed the bat to my right hand, whipping the sweat off of my left as I peeked around the corner, moving my head back from the zombie's decaying face.

I checked the hallway. Nothing in sight. 

I backed up slowly and waved Kona and Hisashi to move forward.

One our way through, we found more supplies and Kona took her switchblade along with some zombie blood and marked the windows so we could come back for them.

The stench of the dead filled the air as we headed into the girl's dormitory, visiting Kona's first. 

" Whoa." I said as I saw her room. 

" Come on, close the door behind you."

Hisashi did and we followed her to the small bathroom she had. She climbed on top of the toilet and took off the tape that was covering up the wide square hole that was there.

She climbed up in there and started handing us bags. " Be careful, there are guns in there." 

" Guns? Where the hell did you get them?" I asked. 

" I had the dealer hide them for me after buying them, then I would sneak out and get them, storing them in here. Is it too heavy for you?" 

" For me yeah." 

Hisashi picked it up. " How many are in here." 

" The first layer are low recoil handguns. The second half are the high recoil. These two bags have the ammo for them, there are also silencers for them in the second bag. And this bag contains de-assembled automatic rifles. And this one is full of bladed and blunt melee weapons. I have plenty of bags to use for scavenging as well with first aid and walkie talkies in both." 

I opened the window to her bathroom because I saw Saya waving her hands around then picked up a sign that said FOUND A VEHICLE in caps. Then flipped it over that said FOUND MORE SURVIVERS. Then the last message said SEE YOU SOON.

" Let's go meet up with them and drop the stuff we have off then come back." I said.

" Take the shovel that I have under my bed Hisashi for a weapon," Kona said as she got back down. " I'll take the ammo bags since there the lighter ones. Where is this vehicle of there's?" 

" The back gate." 

" Same way I took to sneak out. Let's move." 

" Holy shit," Saya said. " What is all of this?" 

" Weapons. Were going back for more supplies and your guys's clothes now. Think this thing will be alright against those things?" 

" There soft corpses," A male student with purple hair said in the back. " It will be fine." 

" Here. We also found some radio's to stay in contact with. We're taking three with us, leaving you guys with eight." 

" How did you move thins thing here without making noise?" Hisashi asked. 

" It was already here when we found it." Miss Marikawa ( the woman with long purple hair) said, turning her head around. 

" Let's get back to it guys," Kona said. " We need to get all of this stuff together before night falls."

" If you have room, go to my office and get the rest of the medical supplies." 

" Will do Miss. Let's move out." 

We had to take five trips to get all the supplies that we needed and we waited through the night inside the bus, discussing on where to go next. 

" Our best bet is to wait out the outbreak as long as we can," Kona said lowly. " Were safe here for now. All of the doors were blocked at the school and we locked the gate. Plus we're in a metal bus if anything backfires, they can't get in." 

" As far as we know." Syeshe ( the boy with the ponytail) said. 

" As long as we remain quiet, were fine. Now for shelter, I suggest my house or Takashi's. Neither one of them is in the city and the way they are structured to our advantage. The only thing that is in our way is getting across the ocean to get over there."

" We can stay at my girlfriends apartment. It's south of town. If we can get the bus to the park and secure the bus station, we can use it as a place to store the bus until we can make sure the place isn't overrun." Miss Marikawa said.

" Is it a highrise?" Kona asked. 

" Yes. And she also had more weapons and an amphibious vehicle so we can get to out safe houses." 

" What does she do exactly?" Hisashi asked. 

" She is a sniper for Japan's Special Assault Team. She'll be coming back for me." 

" Sounds like a plan. Sound good to you guys?" I asked. " Any opposed?"  

Nobody said anything.

As the rain started coming down, Miss Marikawa continued to check the radio again, only finding the same station that was repeating the same warning over and over again. 

" We'll know more when we get to my place. Rika has a military-grade radio with amazing reception. You guys get some rest. I'll take first watch." 

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