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As I got further into the house I managed to walk into (what I assumed was) my room and all my boxes were already in there which is good, I have been here less than 5 minutes and I already hate it. Just to put it blankly. Only advantage of this house and moving here is that there is a widow seat in my room, I have always wanted one of them.

I end up just finding my Mac and sitting on it doing all different things while sitting on the window seat. I was more so on there because I wanted to talk to my friends back home who I already miss very dearly and the fact that I don't want to face my dad at all, I am still not happy with him about us having to move so far away.

The truth is I wouldn't still be in Australia if it wasn't for all my family members are dead, both my parents being only children and having elderly parents who died when I was very young, and me being only 17 but look like a 15 year old and dad being protective over his only daughter (only child)

This house is so ancient looking, I think to my self. Looks like it was built in like 1980 but some of the features were like from the 1940's or something. It looked so out of place compared to surrounding houses. I have to get out of here for a while, I go down the stairs going out the house going past my mum who was caring a box in side. me saying to her 'going to explore for a bit' she understood I really didn't want to move and so she just lets me do what I want for a little while.

In my little journey if mine I found out that there is a park just a block down from where I live and I already know I will be spending a lot of time there, another block down there was the Starbucks I have never actually had before always time for a first I guess. Luckily I had about 20 bucks on me, so I just got a hot chocolate something simple but make me think of home, as one of my friends works at a cafè.

The walk back to the house was actually quiet nice, it was that time of day when the sky goes that yellow, orange, pink and purple colour which is so beautiful. I got to the front door. I took a Deep breathe and then proceed to open the front door and walk to where I presumed the kitchen was as I could smell something really nice.

My mum is making my favourite her home make spaghetti bolognese, my mum is just the best I sat at the table until mum put a plate in front of me I started as soon as it hit the table. 'Oh my god mum, you just made my day that much better'

'I was willing to do anything to make you happy even if it for a moment'

I finished in 5 minutes flat, yeah I am a girl and yeah I eat like a boy but do I look or act like a boy, HELL NO!

I took the stair two by two and ran to my room I was in such a good mood and all because I have an awesomely amazing mum. I walk in my room and it was pitch black but exempt for some light coming from the moon, it was really dark and I couldn't see anything so as you do I turned on my light and I am pretty sure I screamed bloody murder but got stopped by and ice cold hand over my mouth with the owners of the hand saying a quick 'sssshhhhhhhh' I had no idea what was going on and I was freaking out who were these people in my room.

I just woke and I didn't even realise I had even fallen asleep, it was now the middle if the night. I was on my bed and I sat up and looked around and saw a figure sitting at my window seat.'w-who a-are y-you' I said with a shakey voice. 'Sleeping beauty has awoken I see' he turned to face me and I saw he was just a teenage boy no older than me. What the hell? Why is a teenage boy doing in my room? Is this a setup are there cameras somewhere? And theses questions going through my head trying to work it out, but nothin was clicking.

'What are you doing in my room?' I said straight out right. 'Got some courage now do we little lady?' He lightly laughed, while still facing me. 'I will ask again what are you doing in my room?' I was starting to get impatient with this guy. 'Ok, calm down, everything will be said in good time' and with that he just simply opened my window and jumped, I was just left sitting on my bed wondering what just happened, I will worry about his tomorrow. I am to tired to even think straight. Maybe it was just a dream.


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~Lottie isn't very happy after moving house

~who is it gonna be??

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