Episode Title: Inverseur 


Ash jumps to the top of the hotel, he lands and starts to walk to the door leading inside. "Longg, open sky" He de-transforms back into Pierce, he opens the door then starts down the staircase. He walks to his door, opens it and walks in. He sits down on his bed.

Longg flies out and sits beside him, "Why are you avoiding Alexander?"

Pierce sighs as he lies down on his bed, "It's complicated. I guess I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of him. I like him a lot so I don't want to make him have any reason to hate me. That's why I have to know what I said to him when I had the Amuk. He acted as though I hurt him by saying something mean. He wouldn't tell me and played it off like it didn't matter." He pauses and lets out another sigh, "It matters to me though. This may actually be the first time I've felt this way about someone. Sure I've had other relationships, but those were meaningless to me. I only dated those girls because I thought it would get people off my back, I was wrong about that though."

Longg moves to the pillow, "Why don't you tell him how you feel? Maybe then he will tell you what you said."

Pierce frowns, "I don't have any friends, people don't like me, and I'm always getting into trouble. No one will like me, I'm not that type of guy someone would be proud to call theirs."

Longg frowns, "Why do you get into trouble?"

Pierce shrugs, "I guess I've always been treated like a criminal in this family since my dad died."

Longg flies in front of Pierce, "What do you mean? You're father is alive and so is your mother."

Pierce sits up, "I meant my adopted father. After he died I kinda lost a part of my happiness. Sabrina would remind me of how I killed him. She would treat me differently than Chloé, like I was bad. I guess I kinda adapted to that way of thinking. I made it easier for them to blame me for everything wrong with their lives." He pauses and laughs to himself, "And it's way more fun to be the bad guy and break the rules than to stick by the book." Longg frowns, "I'm doing good in school, shouldn't that be what matters?"

Longg shakes her head, "That's not all that matter, you're very smart, use that to your advantage. Make your adopted father proud."

Pierce becomes angry, "Why should it matter if he's proud of me or not? He's gone! I can't fix that!" A tear slides down his face.

Longg frowns, "I'm sorry Pierce. I didn't mean to upset you."

Pierce shrugs, "It doesn't matter. Let's just pretend this conversation didn't happen." Longg nods.

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