Episode Title: Player


Thea smiles as she hides behind a wall, "Looks like it's time to play a little game. Batty, wings out!" Thea transforms and runs back out to the pool. "Hey!"

Player turns around, "Give me your miraculous and this'll all be over."

Batgirl laughs, "I don't give up so easily." Batgirl jumps up and tries to hit Player with her staff. He grabs the staff and throws her over the house. She gets back up and looks above. Player teleports in front of her. "Oh no." Player punches her in the face and then kicks her back. Batgirl gets back up to find Player right in front of her.

Player smiles a devilish grin, "We could've done this the easy way but you chose otherwise." He punches Batgirl back. "So I'll just beat you and when you're dead I'll take the miraculous myself." Player is about to turn Batgirl into a video game character when Player gets kicked in the face.

"That's enough now." They stand up.

Batgirl smiles, "Rena Rouge." Rena helps her up. "Anyone else going to show up by chance." Before Rena Rouge could say anything Carapace lands beside her. "Well that answered my question. You look different. You're not the same Carapace."

Carapace smiles, "I'm the original."

Batgirl looks at him, "Why couldn't the newer version show up?"

Rena smiles, "He's busy right now but forget about him right now. Are you okay? You were getting beat pretty bad."

Batgirl stands up straight, "I'll be fine. It'll heal with time."

Rena Rouge becomes confused, "What do you mean? Won't Ash return things back to normal?"

Batgirl shakes her head, "He's not on our side right now. He'd rather take our miraculous then help us fix anything." Rena Rouge frowns. "We'll deal with him when it comes to it. Right now we need to save Grant."

Carapace looks at her, "Grant?" He looks at Player. "That's Grant?"

Batgirl shrugs, "That's what one boy said." Batgirl looks towards Player as he hits her fast and hard. She goes flying back about eight hundred feet. "Ow." Player starts to fight Rena Rouge and Carapace. Batgirl stands up but she gets shoved. "What the?" She gets shoved again. "Ash?"

"You can make this easy. It's your choice." Ash punches her in the face.

Batgirl turns around to see Ash, "It's your choice too. I'm not going down without a fight. I don't know what made you change into this villain but it doesn't suit you. You can do better than this. You can help people, save them. You don't need to keep up this charade."

Ash grabs Batgirl and whispers, "Well Thea I'm so glad that you think you can change my mind but it won't work." Batgirl becomes shocked. "I've known for quite some time and I'm sure you're wondering how I found out. All I have to say to that is you should be more careful where you de-transform." Ash grins. "Now, if you want to keep your precious identity a secret then you'll give me your miraculous now and help me take theirs." Batgirl is frozen. She doesn't know what to do. He is suddenly knocked back by a shield. He recovers quickly and smiles. "Three against one. That hardly seems fair."

Rena Rouge helps Batgirl up, "It's unfair that someone who has helped this city turned his back on everyone."

Ash looks around, "Well until next time. Wind Dragon!" Ash turns into air and flies away leaving the three of them.

Carapace looks at Batgirl, "Are you alright? You look scared."

Batgirl shakes her head, "I'm fine. What happened to player?"

Miraculous Wannabes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now