Episode Title: Match Maker


Match Maker sits atop the mayor's office, "Isn't this nice m'lady? Everyone in love and no one to stop us. We can do what we want."

Thea smiles, "Yes my love. Just you and I to do whatever we want. I love you and no one can take that away from me." Thea snuggles up next to him. "I don't want to leave you. You mean too much to me."

Match Maker looks into her eyes, "I promise I won't let anyone tear us apart."

A feather like outline appears on Match Maker's face, "Remember Match Maker." He turns away from Thea. "I want their miraculous!"

Match Maker smiles, "Don't worry Paon! The heroes will come and I will take their miraculous." The outline fades as Match Maker turns to Thea. "Now, where were we?" He turns Thea's face towards his. He slowly brings her face to his.

A voice comes from below, "HEY!" Match Maker looks down. "YEAH, YOU!"

Match Maker stares at him, "What do you want Grant?"

Grant becomes angry, "I want you to stop! You shouldn't make people love each other! How would you feel if you were forced to love someone you didn't like?" Thea looks over. "Thea? What are you doing with him?!" Thea smiles as she holds Match Maker's arm. Grant looks at Match Maker. "You didn't."

Match Maker smiles, "She denied her love for me, all I did was make her accept it."

Grant thinks, 'There's no point in talking to him but maybe I can get to her.' He turns towards Thea. "Thea! I know this isn't you! You're the most popular girl at school! You help anyone you can no matter the issue."

Thea laughs, "The only person I need is Match Maker. I love him."

Grant takes a step forward, "Thea, c'mon. I know this isn't you, not the real you. The real you is kind, caring, understanding. You wouldn't side with the bad guy. No matter what! I know that the real Thea is still in there fighting back. Fighting him. You wouldn't let anyone control you no matter who they are and what they do. You're the strongest person I know. So please fight him, fight his power!"

Thea looks at him skeptically, "How would you know the real Thea? We barely even talk?"

Grant stares into her eyes, "Because I-"He thinks for a moment, unsure of what to do. He hesitates but he makes his decision. "Because I love you Thea. Since the moment I saw you at school I knew that I loved you. When I first met you, you were waiting in line to get some ice cream and it was a long line. It took you half an hour to reach the front of the line but right before you were about to walk to the ice cream man an elderly person was about to get hit by a car. I saw you run out of line and save that man's life. If it wasn't for you that man probably wouldn't have made it. You sacrificed your spot in line to save someone and I know not many people would've done that. Thea you're a hero and a hero wouldn't let the villain win, not like this. You'd fight until you couldn't fight anymore."

Thea's eyes return to green, "Grant, I-" Thea grabs her head as her eyes return to pink.

Match Maker becomes furious, "YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! I HAVE WORKED TO HARD FOR THIS!" He blows a kiss and throws it at Grant. It's about to hit Grant until someone stands in front of him and blocks it. The person grabs Grant and runs off. They find a hiding spot for Grant to lay low in. Grant looks up and finds a superhero.

Grant smiles, "Woah. You're a superhero like a real life superhero."

Ash looks around, "I don't know if I would say superhero. But I am here to help. Do you know anything that could help me take down Match Maker?"

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