Episode Title: Match Maker


Pierce walked to the boy's locker room, he just wanted to get away from Thea. It was best if she thought they had no relation. Pierce walks into the locker room, he sits on one of the benches. Longg flies out of his pocket, "Pierce? Why did you lie to Thea?"

Pierce looks down, "It would be best if Thea didn't know we had any relation. She doesn't deserve someone like me as her friend let alone brother. She deserves much better, what she needs is for me to leave her alone. I never do anything right and wherever I go, trouble always follows."

Longg shakes his head, "That's not true."

Pierce looks up, "If it weren't true, I wouldn't have had an Amuk and have tried to burn down Paris. I've been grounded for the rest of my life and if she keeps staying around me, I'll probably be sent away again."

Longg frowns, "If this is what you think is best, then I support you."

Pierce smiles, "Thanks." Longg smiles in return. "We should probably stay here until school is over. I don't want to risk running into Thea. Who knows if she believes what I said or not, either way I don't want to find out." Longg nods in agreement.

Hours pass as they sit in the locker room waiting for the school day to be over. Pierce is typing on his keyboard when the door gets pushed open. Pierce quickly hides in one of the bathroom stalls to his right. Longg hides inside Pierce's pocket. Footsteps echo through the locker room. The footsteps walk to the stall is in. "Mister Raincomprix, shouldn't you be in class?"

Pierce's heart drops, 'how did they know?' Pierce stays silent.

The footsteps move a little to the left. "I know you are in here mister Raincomprix. You haven't been to your classes since lunch. The camera's caught you coming in here last. It's better to come out now and accept your punishment instead of prolonging the inevitable." Pierce opens the door, outside the door is the principal standing with her arms crossed. "That's better, now why don't we take a visit to my office?" She motions for Pierce to walk. Once he starts walking toward the door, the principal follows close behind. They walk to the principal's office. Once inside the principal walks over to her desk and sits down. "This is your 6th time that I've caught you this week for skipping classes and you've only been here the two of the five days, not including today." She shakes her head disappointedly as Pierce sits down. "I'm going to have to tell your guardian."

Pierce looks at her shocked, "Please don't do that. I won't do this again, please."

The principal shakes her head, "That's what you said last time. I'm afraid I'm going to have to make a phone call home. You've given me no choice Pierce. I'm sorry." She looks down at him "Have a good day Pierce. I'll see you Monday after school for detention." She motions Pierce out the door. Pierce sits there shocked, he reluctantly gets up and walks out the door.

He goes to grab the handle but stops and looks back towards the principal, "Can't promise you'll see me Monday. See ya boss lady." Pierce walks out the door and closes it behind him. 'What did I just get myself into?' Pierce walks through the halls, no one's around. It's after school, he walks outside the main doors and starts down the sidewalk. While he is walking he hears screams coming from the middle of the city. "What was that?" He starts running towards the screams. Other people are running in the opposite way, shoving through Pierce.

One guy stops in front of Pierce and grabs his shoulders, "Why are you heading toward the trouble? There's an Amuk victim that way!" Pierce shakes him off, he begins to run with the crowd again.

Longg flies from Pierces pocket, "An Amuk? Ooo we can finally participate in the battle! We can finally get the Amuk for real this time!"

Pierce continues walking, "What do you mean, for real? Haven't they already captured the Amuk?"

Longg shakes her head, "No. They haven't been able to catch the Amuk. Only the Ladybug miraculous and the Dragon miraculous can." Pierce smiles, "All you have to do is slice the Amuk, it'll get sucked into your katana. Then to set everything right again, you'll slice the ground with your katana. Dragons from that will fix everything."

Pierce starts running to an alley. "Why didn't you say that sooner? Longg bring the storm!" Pierce transforms into Ash and continues to run toward the Amuk victim. Ash flies to the top of a building to get a better look. The Amuk victim seems to be holding someone. "I have to see who he's holding. Wind dragon!" Ash turns into air, he starts flying towards them. When he reaches them he immediately recognizes the person. "Thea?" He turns to his right to find Carapace running at the Amuck victim.

Carapace throws his shield at him, "Let her go Match Maker!"

Match Maker smiles, "I couldn't even if I wanted to but why would I? Thea is the most beautiful girl in all of Paris and she belongs to me! She's obsessed with me!"

Carapace's face turns with anger, "She belongs to no one! Making someone love you is wrong! It's not true love!"

Match Maker becomes angry, "You're one to talk about true love! No one loves you, but I could fix that, in return you will give me your miraculous!" Carapace shakes his head, "I could do something even better! I see the lust in your eyes! You love someone, don't you?" Carapace stops running. "I can make them return their feelings for you! All you would need to do is give me your miraculous. You could finally know what love is!"

Carapace looks down, "Making someone love you isn't true love! No matter how badly you want them, no matter how easily it would be to make them fall for you, it's wrong! You don't get to decide! It's not our choice!"

Match Maker sets Thea down, "I guess we can do this the hard way." Match Maker starts running towards Carapace. Once Match Maker is close enough to Carapace, he blows a kiss. It lands on Carapace's cheek. "There, this should be interesting." Carapace falls to the floor. "Well goodbye for now! May love be your guiding key." Match Maker runs to grab Thea and they run away towards the city.

Ash runs down to Carapace, "Are you alright?" Carapace looks up at Ash. Ash holds out his hand and Carapace takes it.

Once Carapace is up he takes Ash's hand, "Thank you my love."

Ash tries to make him let go, "Um Carapace, what's wrong with you?" He looks up into Ash's eyes, Carapace's eyes have a pink tint. "Were your eyes always pink?"

Carapace shakes his head, "My love for you has turned them their rightful color." He brings Ash's hand close to his heart. "Can you feel my heartbeat? It only beats for you." Ash tries to move his hand again, "Please don't leave me. You mean too much to me."

Ash looks toward the city, "Carapace knock it off, we have to help Paris and that girl. We can't be messing around."

Carapace turns Ash's head to face him, "I would never mess around with the one I love." He leans in for a kiss but Ash moves out of the way. "My love, why would you do that?"

Ash takes Carapace's hand off of his own, he backs away. "Wind dragon." He turns into air and leaves Carapace unnoticed. He flies to the top of the building and looks down at Carapace.

Carapace starts to look around, "My love, where have you gone?"

Ash looks toward the city, "I'll fix this I promise but first open sky."

Longg flies out of the choker, "Well isn't this confusing. Wasn't he just telling us about someone special to him yesterday?"

Pierce sits down on the ledge of the building. "I think Match Maker can make people fall in love. I don't know how but I think he made Carapace fall in love with Ash. I'm not sure if I can help Paris and deal with a love-struck hero." Pierce sighs, "I don't think I'm cut out for this superhero thing. If Thea was here, she'd know just what to do. Longg please find a better suitor for the dragon miraculous."

Longg frowns, "Pierce there is no better miraculous holder for the dragon. Your father wanted you to have this miraculous."

Pierce looks up at Longg, "My father?" Longg nods. "He chose this life for me?"

Longg nods again, "They knew both of you had potential. They knew you were destined for greatness. So please don't throw away your father's wish. Show the world what you can do." Pierce nods then hands Longg a pepper, Longg eats it.

Pierce looks down at Carapace, "Maybe there's something I can do."

Miraculous Wannabes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now