Episode Title: Vértié


William looks up, "Oh no." He runs away as Vértié makes her way to the top of the bourgeois hotel while hitting everyone she can. William finds Alexander and Grant. "Guys, we have a problem. Thea has an Amuk. I don't know what happened. I was waiting outside her house when she came running and crying. She locked herself inside and the next thing I knew an Amuk got her."

Alexander asks, "Why are you telling us?"

William shrugs, "You were the first people I found not affected by her powers and you guys can help me. We need to go find Pierce."

Alexander becomes concerned, "Why Pierce?"

William frowns, "That's who Vértié was talking about before jumping off."

Grant asks, "What can we do? No offense but it's an Amuk victim with super powers against three students."

Alexander shakes his head, "We can't do anything but I have an idea. You guys find somewhere to hide and stay safe."

Grant grabs his arm, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Alexander nods. "Okay. I'll see you later then." Grant and William run off while Alexander hides around the corner. He looks around and sees that no one is in sight.

Alexander smiles, "Wayzz, shell on!" Alexander transforms and heads to the Bourgeois hotel. He walks in through the roof and finds Pierce's room trashed. He heads to the living room and finds that trashed. The TV is on showing different cameras in the building. He takes the remote and starts looking through the camera's feed. He changes it to the lobby and sees Vértié trying to hit Pierce. He makes his way down and throws his shield as Pierce is about to get hit. "Run!" Pierce stands up and runs as Carapace grabs his shield.

Vértié becomes angry, "You have no right to protect him. He lied. He needs to tell the truth."

Carapace frowns, "Making someone tell the truth isn't right. They should be able to tell you on their own terms."

Vértié glares at him, "How about lying to someone their whole life? Everyone in my life has lied to me but no longer. I won't be lied to anymore." Vértié jumps up and slams down on Carapace but he moves out of the way. He pushes Vértié back and jumps backwards. "If you give me your miraculous then I won't have to use my power to find out who you are."

Carapace chuckles, "Well then, you're going to have to try because I don't give up that easily." They start to fight. Carapace strikes high as Vértié goes below. Vértié ends up sliding under Carapace but she stands up and immediately turns around. She runs at Carapace and is about to hit him when Ash jump kicks her to the side. Vértié recovers quickly.

Vértié stares at him, "Two for one. Just need another one and I'll have a whole set." Vértié starts jabbing her staff forward at the heroes trying to fight both heroes at once. She ends up grabbing Carapace by the arm and throwing him across the ground. Once she threw him, she used her staff and jabbed Ash in the stomach throwing him back. "Finally." Ash gets up on his knees. "Now to clear things up. Did your miraculous get handed down to you?"

Ash struggles to fight it, "N-no."

Vértié smiles, "Then you did steal it?"

Ash looks up in anger, "Yes."

Vértié starts to walk towards him, "Where did you get your miraculous? Who did you steal it from? Who are you?"

Ash stands up, "I-I" Ash was about to say when Vértié gets shoved back by a shield.

Carapace smiles, "Hey, we can't give too much away. We've barely worked together and you're already spilling out your secrets." Carapace picks up his shield and hits Vértié in the face. He then jump kicks her in the stomach and Vértié gets flung back. "She uses her staff to affect people so that must have the amuk in it. I'll get it and then you can do what you do best." Ash nods as Carapace runs at Vértié. He throws his shield and she hits it to the side. Carapace then tries to hit her but she grabs his arm, pulling it up behind him and kicks him forward. She turns around to see Ash up in the air falling towards her. Vértié was about to hit Ash but then Carapace grabs the staff out of her hands. "That's enough of you." He snaps the staff in half as Ash lands on top of Vértié. The Amuk flies out and Ash slices it. He then stabs the ground as Vértié returns to normal. A swarm of little dragons go around Paris fixing everyone. Carapace walks up to Thea. "Are you okay?" Carapace hands her the walking stick that was once a staff.

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