Episode Title: Vértié


After dinner Thea helps clean up and take care of things. Once she is done she finds Alya on the couch with Alexander and Annabelle. Alya looks up, "Hey guys. Could you give Thea and I a few minutes to talk alone."

Alexander nods and stands up, "C'mon Annabelle. They need some time to talk." Annabelle asks why and Alexander continues to explain as they walk away.

Alya smiles, "You've grown so much. I can't believe it."

Thea smiles, "I can't believe you're actually here not that I don't want you here. I'm happy you're here. I couldn't be happier that you're here."

Alya chuckles, "I'm sure you have many questions."

Thea nods as she sits beside her, "Yeah. Where did you go? That day is so vague but also so clear."

Alya frowns, "I'm not entirely sure. The last thing I remember is that white blast. We were about half way up the Eiffel Tower when it happened. I don't know where it sent the others. The only thing I thought about was hoping that my family and yours is okay. Speaking of family where is your brother?"

Thea frowns, "I don't have a brother."

Alya looks at her with confusion, "You do. His name is Pierce. That day you guys were five and you were with Nino. He was supposed to take you somewhere safe."

Thea sits back, "That's not what happened. After I saw you and my parents run off I stayed with Nino. He picked up Alexander and Annabelle and told Pierce and I to follow him but Pierce didn't listen. He ran after you guys. I told him not to but he didn't listen." As Thea speaks she remembers every part of that terrible day. "I ended up following him but before I could catch up a white blast pushed me back. I must have gotten knocked out because I don't remember anything that happened after that. I woke up hours later unaware of what happened. I woke up in a dojo with an old man. He told me that he was my grandfather and my parents died saving me. I also forgot that I even had a brother but he didn't tell me. I lived with him ever since then."

Alya stands up, "Well then we need to go talk to him right now. He needs to clear this up."

Thea frowns, "We can't."
Alya looks down at her, "Why not? You deserve answers."

Thea is about to cry, "Fu is...gone. We can't even if I wanted to."

Alya looks sad, "Thea. I'm sorry. I didn't know. I can't believe he is gone. He's been around for so long..."

Thea calms down. "I thought I figured out who was my brother but I was wrong. I don't have a brother and that's it." Thea stands up. "Right now though, that's not important. I have a more important question. I know who they are, I mean I know who they were. I know how they saved people in more ways than one so I have to know. Do you know where they are?"

Alya frowns, "I'm sorry Thea. I'm so sorry but I don't. After that white blast I didn't know where we were. All I know is that is wasn't anywhere here so I really couldn't tell you even if I tried."

Thea looks down, "That's fine."

Alya puts her hand on her shoulder, "Thea, listen. I'm sorry that you've had to live this life without your parents and your brother but I promise you, I will find a way to find them and bring them back."

Thea laughs, "It's fine really Alya. You don't have to make promises that probably won't be fulfilled. It's getting late anyways so I should probably get going." Thea puts on her shoes and walks out the door as Alya watches her with sadness. Thea walks at first but eventually runs down an alley. "I have to find them. Batty wings out!" Thea transforms and heads to the Eiffel Tower. She goes about half way up and in the middle. "I have to find them. I need to." She puts her hand up in the air. "Echolocation!" She slams it against the ground. Everything goes black but nothing lights up white. She tries even harder to think of her parents but she barely remembers them. It's been so long, anything could've changed. The harder she tries the more her head hurts. Everything turns back to color. Batgirl holds her head as the pounding in her head hurts more and blood runs from her nose. Within the few minutes she has left she runs home. She de-transforms, takes off her jacket and shoes and sits on her bed.

Miraculous Wannabes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now