Episode Title: Player


Grant walks through the front door and into the living room. Grant looks around and sees Alexander waving him over. "Hey Grant. Glad you could make it!" Grant smiles as he walks over. Once he reaches Alexander, they fist bump. "Thea is here."

Grant's face turns red, "Really?"

Alexander smiles, "Yeah. She's swimming in the pool with William."

Grant's face turns to its normal color, "Wait, I was supposed to bring a swimsuit?"

Alexander laughs, "You can borrow one of my many pairs." Grant smiles. "So? What are you planning on saying to her?"

Grant smiles, "Whatever comes from my heart. I don't want to write a script, I want it to come out naturally." Alexander nods. "Anyway, where's Pierce?"

Alexander frowns, "He's grounded so he can't come, but Chloé should be coming and her moms."

Grant groans, "I still can't believe you invited her."

Alexander smiles, "Well her family and mine are friends, not inviting her would've been mean. Plus she's one of my good friends, we've known each other since we were kids." Grant rolls his eyes. "Are you still mad about me ditching you for Chloé?" Grant nods, "Dude, I'm sorry. I promised her we would hang out, I just forgot about it. How about we go upstairs to my room and play some video games? I know it's not Mega Strike III but still?"

Grant smiles, "Alright. You're on." They start walking up the stairs when Alya comes around the corner.

Alya walks up to them, "Hey boys, what are you up to?"

Alexander stops, "Just gonna go play video games."

Alya smiles as she walks to Grant and hugs him. "Hello Grant, it's been awhile."

Grant smiles, "Hello Alya."

Alya smiles, "Go have some fun boys, but remember you have to be in the boys room by midnight. No later." Alexander and Grant nod as they head up the stairs once again. The walk to Alexander's room, closing the door behind them. Alexander turns on his console and puts in a game. He hands Grant one of the controllers, Grant takes it.

Grant smiles, "You're going down Alex."

Alexander laughs, "Yeah right! In your dreams!" They begin to play the game until there's a knock on the door. Alexander pauses the game and turns to get up, "Yeah?" He reaches for the door handle when the door flung open. Chloé walks in and hugs Alexander.

Grant gets up and pulls Chloé off of Alexander. "Do you mind? We're in the middle of playing a game."

Chloé looks at Grant angrily, "Lexikins invited me." She turns to Alexander, "Lexikins let's go swim. You're the only one I know here and I don't want to be alone." She makes a pouting face at Alexander.

Grant rolls his eyes, "Don't you mean he's the only person that can stand you here."

Chloé turns toward Grant and scoffs, "I do not." She turns back towards Alexander. "Lexikins, can we please go downstairs and swim?" Alexander looks at Grant who has turned away.

Alexander looks down, "Is that okay with you Grant?"

Grant looks at Alexander, "Yeah, go have fun. I'll be here playing video games if you need me."

Alexander looks up, "You don't want to join us?"

Grant shakes his head, "No. There's probably too many people in that pool anyway."

Alexander frowns, "You sure dude? I don't want to ditch you."

Grant nods, "I'm sure. Chloé needs you more than me." Chloé smiles at Alexander.

Alexander nods, "Alright. I'll be back. Maybe you can finally beat my high score."

Grant and Alexander laugh, "Yeah, soon you'll be trying to beat my high score."

Chloé grabs Alexander's hand. "C'mon Lexikins. Let's get changed into swimsuits." She pulls Alexander out of his room and down the hall. She stops at the bathroom door. "I'll change in here." Alexander nods as Chloé lets go of his hand. She walks into the bathroom, Alexander walks back into his room and grabs his swim trunks. He walks back out and waits for Chloé to change. A few minutes pass and Chloé walks out in a Queen Bee styled bikini. Alexander walks into the bathroom and takes off his shirt and changes his pants. He walks out with Ladybug themed swim trunks. Chloé smiles, "Let's go swim!" She grabs his hand and starts to pull him down the stairs. They walk out of the house and towards the pool. Once they reach the pool Chloé stops, "Is the water cold?"

Thea shrugs, "Only a little but you'll get used to it."

Alexander smiles, "After you." He motions for Chloé to get in the pool. Chloé smiles as she sits down and slides in. Alexander sits down and slides into the pool. Thea starts to splash Alexander, he splashes back. Chloé holds onto Alexander as the splash fight continues. A few hours pass and the splash fight is far from over.

Chloé pats Alexander's shoulder, "Hey Lexikins?" Alexander turns to look at her. "I'll be right back okay?" Alexander nods then goes back to splashing Thea and William. Chloé walks into the house to find Grant in a Carapace styled swim trunks. "Grant? What do you think you're doing?"

Grant shrugs, "What's it to you? I'm surprised you left Alex's side."

Chloé scoffs, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Grant laughs, "It means you're clingy and possessive and never leave him. I know he doesn't see it, but I do."

Chloé rolls her eyes, "See what? That Alex likes me more than he does you? Can't you tell how eager he was to join me yesterday instead of playing video games with you?"

Grant shakes his head, "That's not true! You tricked him into thinking he made plans with you! You took advantage of his kind heart!"

Chloé smirks, "You really think that? He was begging for me to come and save him. He's only your friend because he feels bad for you. If you don't believe me, go ask him, but then again he would just lie to you."

Grant frowns, "That's not true..."

Chloé smiles, "It is and you know it. C'mon Grant, stop lying to yourself. Face the truth, Alex doesn't like you." Grant turns towards the stairs and walks back up. When he gets into the room a feather-like glow appears around his face.

Grant smiles, "Finally, Alexander will have to play video games with me. And no one will stop us, not even that brat Chloé." Grant transforms into a video game-like costume. "Chloé will get what's coming to her." He walks downstairs and turns anyone in his way into video game-like people. He begins to walk outside the house and into the backyard. "Who wants to play some video games?" Everyone turns to look at Grant. "My name is Player and you all will join my game!" He points his staff at the group of kids, they all turn into video game-like characters. Player turns towards the pool, "Chloé you have stopped my games for far too long, now it's time for you to join in." He smiles as he points his staff at Chloé.

Alexander steps in front, "Grant? Is that you? What happened?"

Player frowns, "The name's Player now and you would always ditch me for Chloé. But no more of that! We will play the game of life with all of Paris as our battleground."

Alexander looks down, "I'm sorry I ditched you. Just please don't do this."

Player laughs, "You don't need to lie to spare my feelings. Don't pity me." Player continues to hold his staff out. Thea sneaks out of the pool while Player shoots a beam out of the staff. Everyone in the pool becomes video game-like in appearance.

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