(A/N) Sorry It's a bit of a long one, I couldn't figure out where to cut it into smaller parts so I kept it as one big part.


Episode Title: Congeler 


Another day of school comes to an end as Alexander sits in his last class bored. Grant looks over at Alexander, "Wanna come over to my house after school? I got a new video game. It's super retro. It's from when our parents were our age."

Alexander nods, "What's it called?"

Grant smiles, "Mega Strike III. It took me forever to actually find it. So, wanna come over and play?"

Alexander nods and smiles, "Dude, yes." They fist bump, "Will I be staying for dinner?"

Grant nods, "For sure. We'll go right after this class is over. My mom will be excited to see you. She freaking loves you." Alexander smiles, "Anyway, were you paying attention at all to what the teacher is saying? I'm pretty sure he said we had homework or something like that."

Alexander laughs, "I thought you were paying attention. We are so doomed."

Grant laughs as well, "Well if they wanted us to pass this year then they shouldn't have put us in every class. They should've expected this, if anything it's their fault." They continue to laugh. "So, what made you not pay attention, I mean usually you're the one who pays attention." Alexander shrugs, "Oh come on Alex. I know something's on your mind. You can't trick your best friend, so what's up?" Alexander is about to speak when the bell goes off. "Guess you're saved by the bell. This conversation is not over." He smiles, "Oh and you're staying the night."

Alexander smiles, "When was this decided?"

Grant smirks, "About 5 seconds ago."

Alexander laughs, "Then why wasn't I a part of that decision?"

Grant shrugs, "I guess you missed your chance. Anyway, do you really think you had a choice in the matter?"

Alexander shakes his head, "Do I ever?" Grant laughs as they begin to walk out of the classroom. "My family is throwing a party to celebrate the return of my mom. Would you like to come? She would love to have you there. She hasn't seen you in a really long time."

Grant smiles, "I would love to come." He pauses as he opens his locker, "Who else are you inviting or has already been invited?"

Alexander opens his locker and puts his books away, "Well you and your family." He pauses to think, "I'm going to invite Thea, Chloé and her family, and a few family friends and relatives."

Grant smiles, "Chloé's family you say?" Alexander nods, "Doesn't that include Pierce?"

Alexander turns toward Grant, "I guess yeah." Grant smiles. "Didn't you hear me say Thea was coming as well?"

Grant's face turns red, "Wait? She is?"

Alexander laughs, "Well technically I haven't asked her yet but most likely yes." Grant leans his head against the lockers. "What's wrong dude? I thought you liked her." Grant nods against the lockers, "Then why're you acting so sad? This could be your chance to tell her how you really feel."

Grant looks towards Alexander, "Do you really think so?"

Alexander nods, "I got your back. I'll make sure you have enough time to tell her. Just don't get scared and back out, my ship needs to sail."

Grant looks confused, "Your what?"

Alexander becomes embarrassed, "Um, nothing! Ignore what I said." He calms himself down, "Anyway, just don't screw up."

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