Episode Title: Things Forgotten


Hours later Thea wakes up in a hospital bed. She looks around the room to find a pair of clothes sitting on a table, a door to her left and a couple windows to her right. A few minutes later a tall woman walks into the room. "I'm so glad that you're okay." Thea stares at her with confusion as she hugs her. "No one knew where you were but Alexander said that you went to some interview without telling anyone." The woman looks confused as she realizes the look on Thea's face. "Thea? Are you okay?"

Thea looks at her, "I don't know who you're talking about. Who's Alexander and who's Thea?" The woman frowns as a doctor comes in and calls her out into the hallway. After a few minutes she walks back inside with a smile.

The woman sits beside her, "My name is Alya. Your name is Thea. I am your aunt. Once the doctors discharge you and I fill out the right papers I'll take you home to grab some things and then you'll be staying at my place for awhile." Thea nods. "I'll let you get dressed." Alya leaves the room. Thea stands up. For a moment her head hurts so she puts her hand to her head and feels a bandage. She puts her arm down and looks at her clothes. She walks over and looks at her clothes. She takes off her hospital gown and starts to put on her clothes one by one. She finishes putting her clothes when she starts to hear a voice.'

"Thea? A-are you okay?"

Thea looks around but sees nothing, "Who's there?"

The voice sounds sad, "You don't remember me?"
Thea frowns, "Should I?" A small black creature flies out of the wall. Thea gets on the table against the wall. "W-what are you?"

The creature smiles, "I'm a kwami. I'm your kwami. We've been around for centuries. My name is Batty."

Thea becomes scared, "A kwami? Are you here to hurt me?"

Batty shakes his head, "No. I give you powers. I'm terribly sorry. You don't remember anything."

Thea gets off the table, "What do you mean?"

Batty sighs, "I was hiding in the hallway when Alya was called out by the doctor. The doctor said that you have no memory of anything and you probably won't for awhile." Thea frowns. "It's okay though. You can make new memories, better memories."

Thea looks at Batty, "So then how do I know you?"

Batty smiles, "Like I said before, I am your kwami. I give you powers to fight evil and those who wish to do harm to people."

Thea becomes skeptical, "Like a superhero?" Batty nods. "Was I superhero before...?"

Batty nods, "You were the leader and partner of a small team of heroes. You saved Paris many times with the help of the other heroes. To transform you have to say Batty, wings out. You also have the power of echolocation. You can locate anyone, anywhere at any time but once you use that power you have only a few minutes before you de-transform."

Thea nods, "If you were always with me, I'm assuming, then you might know where my parents are? I mean Alya said she was my aunt. If she's my aunt why is she here instead of my parents?"

Batty frowns, "Your parents were lost long ago. While people were looking for them a man named Master Fu was looking after you. You called him grandfather."

Thea becomes confused, "Called? Where is he now?"

Batty becomes sad, "He's gone."

Thea frowns, "Oh. It sounds like I've had a lot of loss in my life."

Batty nods, "Yes but you were always able to smile. You had lots of friends and had many adventures. Things may have gotten hard for you but you always kept your head up." Thea is about to reply when she hears the door opening. Batty flies into her pocket. Thea watches as Alya walks in with a smile.

Miraculous Wannabes Season 1Where stories live. Discover now