Chapter 13

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I'm sitting there. Paralyzed.

And then, sitting in the darkness, my world give out, like the stool, and the floor underneath me disappear, and I'm falling though space.

This can't be happening. Takeoff this hat and head over to the Gryffindor table just like I've always imagined.

But before I can think any further Professor McGonagall pulls the hat off my head and gestures for the Slytherin table.

I can barely walk when I stand up, and head towards the table.

Unlike when the other kids were sorted, no ones clapping, except for maybe a few people along the staff table.

When I slide into a seat at the end of the table, the Slytherins near me shift away.

I can't look up. I can't face Molly, or the twins, or, James. I can't face him. We've been planning out our lives as Gryffindors as long as I can remember.

I fall into the hopeless black hole that is my thoughts, I don't even try to brace myself.


I look up to see someone has sat down across from me.

It's that Snape kid from the train, he must be in Slytherin too.

Part of me wants to say "hey" back, but my lips can't form the word, so I look back down at the table.

The sorting ceremony ends, Dumbledore says a few words, that I was too lost to hear, and the food appears.

While the rest of the hall grabs food and digs in, I can't do anything else but look up slightly.

"You want some potatoes?" Snape asks, holding a bowl of mashed potatoes out to me.

I shake my head, "I'm not hungry."

He sighs, putting the potatoes back down and starts eating.

He tries to engage me in conversation a few times, starting with

"Aria right? I'm Severus." And moving to "So how long have you known Potter?"

"A long time. I guess we're really close because of it." I reply, still not looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, iv only known Lily a short while but, I still feel we WERE close, not that's its going to help now..."

And then I remembered, I've been sitting here wrapped up in my own problems, forgetting about the fact that Severus left his only friend in Gryffindor too.

"Sev, I'm sorry about that," I begin, but he cuts me off.


Stupid, stupid stupid, I think to myself.

"Yeah. If we're going to be Slytherins-missing- their-friends  together, I'm not saying Severus, every time I talk to you." I say.

"Oh, I sort-of like it." He says.

I halfheartedly smile, I will probably will never be happy again, and continue staring at my empty dish, my appetite gone.

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