one hundred fifteen : "names."

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As that post on Instagram was published, people have been talking about Harry for the past 24 hours. There were news published, TMZ even posted a twenty-minute video talking about the incident and #TPWK has been trending worldwide.

A lot of celebrities have expressed their views on the matter too, some even shared their own stories of frightening encounters with the press and all showed support and love for the engaged couple.

It would've been stressful dealing with that much attention and the trespassing situation within a day but it's better than they imagined. Serena and Harry were both off of social media after Harry posted that note on his Instagram account and they also had security around the house.

"Babe, could you hand over my sweater?" Serena asks quietly, as she was sat on the couch with a small smile playing on her lips. Harry was pleased that Serena tried her best to not stress over what had happened, although it was pretty evident that she is still shaken up sometimes when she remembers it, she decided it would be best for the babies to not think too much.

Harry quickly grabs the sweater that was hanging on the stair's railings and raised the heater up a bit. He decided to leave her be on the living room with another episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on the screen, his legs swiftly walking to the kitchen as he wandered around the cabinets and drawers. He was planning on cooking something, but he can't decide what in particular.

He takes out his phone and presses a familiar number to call. After a few rings, a deep but friendly voice echoed loudly from the other line. "Hey, Hazza. Everything good?" He lets out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, everything's well. I was planning on cooking tonight, do you want to come? Maybe bring Leah and Cole with you."

Niall cackles. "I'd love that, sure! We'll be there at 8!" The call didn't really last longer after that, and Harry already knew what he wanted to cook. He quickly prepared all ingredients he was planning on using on the marble countertop, humming along to a song he heard on the radio earlier.

"You're cooking?" He hears Serena ask. "Yeah. Niall, Leah and Cole are coming over for dinner." She instantly beams upon hearing those words. She definitely missed those three. Serena was about to stand up when Harry stopped her. "Nope, nope. Don't move, you stay there. I can handle this." She pouts.

She wanted to help with the cooking too. But she listened and stayed on the couch with a frown. Harry sees her and chuckles to himself, she looked downright adorable especially with the giant bump inside her wool sweater. It was a sight Harry could never be tired of seeing.

Then, Harry got to work. He wanted to cook spaghetti, he had no prior experience cooking it but hey, there's a first time for everything.


"So, when's the wedding?" Niall asks, his mouth half-full with the pizza he brought on the drive to Harry and Serena's house. "We really aren't rushing things, probably a few months after I pop out." Serena replies, gulping down the water placed on her glass as she smiled widely at Niall.

The five of them were all sat on the table, eating dinner while talking about all the things happening in their lives. As expected, the topic of the intrusion from the other night was brought up.

"How are you two though?" Harry looks briefly at Serena who stiffens up a bit, he swiftly places his hand over hers and threw her a reassuring smile. "We're doing better, it was terrifying; especially for Serena. We're just thankful no one was seriously harmed."

Niall huffs. "I swear, once your babies are out, I'm not letting a single pap go near them. Some of them are out of control, mate!" The other agreed, as someone who has been in the spotlight or had friends who were constantly in the public eye, they knew the struggles that come along with the job that they have. As fun and enjoying it is, sometimes, it's difficult for them to deal with it.

"Speaking out babies, when are you giving birth?" Leah asks excitedly, her brows were raising up and down and it made Serena laugh. "Well, I'm on my seventh month already. The doctor said I could give birth earlier than expected since I'm having twins, so he advised us to be ready anytime. But if it all goes well, I'm expecting to give birth on the 25th."

Suddenly, the five grinned, showing happiness and anticipation to Serena's labor. The brightest smiles belonged to her and Harry though, they were on the moon, they're so near the day they finally get to see the youngsters.

"Any baby names you have in mind?" The couple looked at each other wistfully before replying to Cole. "We're keeping it a secret for now."

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