🍰Stay with me for a while🍰

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(Professor! Chisaki x Middle school! Deku)

"Midoriya, stay after class, I need to talk to you.." Chisaki said, arranging the papers as some of Midoriya's classmates ooed while the others snickered

Midoriya pouted and blushed lightly as he hid his face in his hands, Chisaki frowned and slammed the papers on the desk (my teacher does this when he's mad, sometimes he just throws it on the floor)

"Silence!" He ordered, The classroom became quiet, he smirked and let them have an early dismissal

"Class dismissed" he said, rearranging the papers that were now scattered across his desk

The students cheered and packed their things, some almost running to the door to have their freedom

Izuku stood up and packed his things as well, he slowly approached Kai and stood in the front of his desk

"Izuku, c'mere.." he said, stretching out his arms like a little child, Izuku walked to him and hugged him tightly

Chisaki rubbed his back and whispered sweet nothings in his ear

"How long will you be here?" Midoriya asked, now sitting on Chisaki's lap

"Just be patient sweetheart" he said, grading Izuku's and his classmates' papers

Izuku hummed and placed his head on his shoulder

Chisaki strokes Izuku's hair every once and a while and he's hearing slight purring coming from him

Chisaki graded the papers as Midoriya napped on his lap

A few minutes have passed, Chisaki started to nudge Izuku awake

"Izuku, I'm all done, wanna head home so we cuddle more?" He asked, Izuku nodded and stood up from his lap to gather his things

Once they were all done, Chisaki locked up the room and got out his car keys

He held Midoriya's hand as they walked to the parking lot

Chisaki opened the door to his car and put in the keys and started it while Izuku sat on the passenger seat

"Hey Izu, would you like some cake after dinner today?" Chisaki asked, trying to strike up a conversation

"Hmm.." Izuku hummed and closed his eyes

He noticed that Izuku had been quiet and depressed lately so he wanted to cheer him up a bit

"Is that a 'no' then?" He asked, Izuku nodded and slept during the car ride home

After ten minutes of silence, they finally reached their destination, so Chisaki gently shook him awake

"Izuku, get up we're here" he said softly, Izuku stirred awake and slurred a bit

"M'kay.." he says, standing up

"Dad! Izuku! You're back!" Eri screamed, running at them with full speed and hugged them tightly

"Hey Eri, how was kindergarten?" Chisaki asked, picking her up

"Good, I made a few friends too!" she exclaimed, Chisaki then set her down to make some dinner

"I'll start dinner, you can go play now" Eri nodded and went to the living room, the both of them following her

"Izu, are you still tired?" He asked, Izuku shook his head

"Okay then, go rest your head on the couch while I cook" he nodded and slumped on the couch

Chisaki walked to the kitchen and put on his apron, starting to make Katsudon

A few minutes have passed and dinner was done, Chisaki and Izuku were in the living room watching T.V. while Eri was fast asleep in her room

Izuku was getting tired as well and sat on Chisaki's lap, the spot where they were in the classroom

"Izuku, go to sleep now, you have school tomorrow" he said, petting his hair and made Izuku face him

He nodded and nuzzled his head on Chisaki's shoulder and fell asleep


Okay, I really love Eri, and I want the best for her

I couldn't sleep so I made this catastrophe

Anyways.. have an awesome day! Or Night!

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