🍰Study date🍰

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How did he ended up here? He was just asked by Midoriya if he could help with homework

But here he is now with a cute sleeping angel on his lap


"Tenya-kun would you please meet me in my room later? I need help on homework" Izuku asked when he approached Tenya before lunch, looking at him with his big doe like eyes

Tenya blushed, he couldn't say no to that, who could? even So he nodded

Izuku smiled and stood on his tiptoes to kiss him on cheek

"Great! See you at 5" he says, waving goodbye

Iida was flushed, he couldn't move although he and Izuku were together for a while, he still wasn't used to the PDA Midoriya gives

After lunch and their next class started, he couldn't help but stare at Izuku from afar

Class ends and he gets ready for his 'study date' with Izuku

He walks over to Izuku's room and knocks on his door

"Come in!" Izuku yelled, Tenya opens the door and sees his boyfriend on the bed with a notebook in hand

"Midoriya, where is your homework you needed help with?" Tenya said, dropping his bag next to Izuku's table

"Oh Tenya dear, that was just an excuse~" Izuku says, putting down his notebook and crawled on the edge of the bed

"And I told you to call me Izuku" Tenya nods and gulps, blushing brightly

Izuku pats the spot next to him and smiles up at him, Iida walks over to him and sits down. Only to be pushed down by Izuku

"I-Izuku? What are you doing?" Izuku puts a finger on his lips and straddles him

He pressed their lips together and rolled his hips on Tenya's lap, he moaned and held Izuku's hips

Izuku smirks and pulls away, making a string of saliva connect between their lips(I am so sorry)

He pants then lays his head on his chest, Tenya blushes and holds Izuku protectively

He sighs and pets Izuku's hair, then noticed Izuku's steady breathing, indicating that he has fallen asleep

Tenya couldn't help but smile, he adjusts their position and lays Izuku next to him

He stands up to close the lights and open a little night light for Izuku

He lays back down and pulls a blanket over them, he pushes his bangs over his head and kisses his forehead

"Goodnight my love"

Hey there my dear darlings

It's been a while since I made these one of these and I hope you enjoyed

Low key kinda sad that this isn't gonna happen to me

Have an awesome day or night

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