🍰Electric Love🍰

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(The song isn't related to the story)

"Hey babe wanna train with me?" Kaminari asked, Izuku looked up and nodded with a smile

The two boys ran outside in front of the dorms and started to spar

Denki attacked while Izuku dodges
(Kirishima watching: pikachu use thunderbolt) Izuku gets him back by hitting from behind

In all the fun that they had the rain stated to pour so they have run back inside

"Race you!" Izuku said, running back and being the first one inside

"No fair you had a head start!" Denki whined while his boyfriend laughed at his misery

"Wanna take a bath together Izuku?"

"Sure" Denki took Izuku's hand and lead him to the bathroom

He filled the bathtub with hot water and stripped off of his clothing, he stepped in the water and moaned with the water hit his skin

He looked over at a blushing Izuku and gestured for him to come in too, he shook his head and covered his eyes

"C'mon baby I already know what your body looks like, take a bath with me" he says, sitting near the edge now

Izuku blushed and slowly took off his clothes, Kaminari blushed and smirked as he leaned on his hands on the tub

"Are you teasing me baby?~" Izuku looked away then shook his head

"I'm just nervous.." he says, looking down

"Are you anxious about your body again?" Denki asks, Izuku nods then tears up

Kaminari sighs and stretches his arms out for Izuku, he drops his clothes on the floor and sits in the tub with his boyfriend

Denki pets his head in a form of comfort and made Izuku face him then rests his head on him  

Denki washes his back and pours shampoo on his hair as Izuku sobs on his chest

"Aww darling, your body is perfect" he says rinsing his hair and kisses his wet hair

"Meet me in my room later" he whispers and continues their bath

When they finished, they change in their pajamas and meet in Denki's room

"Come here and cuddle with me" Denki said, laying on the bed as if he was waiting for Izuku like a child would wait for their mother

Izuku smiled and crawls on the bed with Denki and hugs him tightly

The two boys stayed quiet and only the soft hum of the air conditioner can only be heard while the two cuddle each other until they fall asleep

But a lightning struck making the power go out and waking them up, Izuku jolts and clings on Denki more

Ah shit he started crying..

Denki laughs and comforts the poor boy calming him down as the storm outside continued to pour

He grazed his thumb on Izuku's tear stained cheeks to wipe them off and holds his face on his hands, kissing him gently

"I'm here baby"

Hey there my dear darlings

Soo who do you guys want for Izuku next part?

Sero or Iida?

Have an awesome day or night!

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