🍰That ghost is kinda lowkey cute🍰

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(Ghost! Deku)

'Ah, another successful scare' Izuku thought, proud of himself, his apartment was his again

"All mine" he whispered and smiled, floating over the couch, then he heard talking outside the door

"Hmm?" He floated over the door and stuck his head outside

"Y-You don't understand! T-There's a g-ghost in there!" The last one living in the apartment said, pointing at Izuku's room door

"Ooh~ another person to scare! I hope they're afraid of ghost!" Izuku squealed excitedly and went inside

From the outside

"Hah! That's nothing! I've watched too much horror movies and I have no fear whatsoever, besides, I ain't afraid of no ghost" Kaminari says, smiling widely

"Did.. did you get that from ghost busters?" The person asks

"Yeah, anyway, I got to go inside, it's getting late" He said, waving them off and walked in


Denki heard giggling coming from the kitchen area, so he went there to investigate

"Hello?" He called

"Boo!" Izuku jumped out of nowhere but he wasn't really scary

"Haha, very funny, please get out of my apartment" he said and tried to push him up but he just went through Izuku

"What?" He asked, looking at him

"Ah ha, well.." Izuku trailed off

"Are you the ghost everyone is scared of?" Kaminari asked calmly

"You're not afraid?"

"Yeah, you're lowkey kinda cute~ and, aren't you supposed to be scary?"

"Hey! That's offensive to ghosts!" He pouted and crossed his arms

"Aww, you're adorable~" he teased, Izuku blushed and disappeared

"Hey where'd you go?" Denki asked

"I didn't even get you're name yet.." he whined as he sat his bag next to the couch

A few weeks went by and the ghosting still continued but Denki thinks it's adorable

So one day he tries to get the cute little ghost's attention so he can finally get his name..

And maybe so he can get to know him more

So one time when Izuku appeared next to him while he was watching T.V. he looked at him and said

"Ya know, your scaring isn't really scary, it's getting annoying too" Izuku looked at him and teared up a bit

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to sound so mean!" He apologized, trying to calm him down

"I-It's Okay.. I failed being a ghost.." he said as he wiped his tears away

"Aww.. don't say that, you succeeded in scaring the other people that used to live here"

"B-But I failed at scaring you"

"Why do you even need to scare people away anyway?" He asked

"I-I don't know, e-ever since I died, I don't know what to do with my afterlife.." Izuku explained, making his body touchable so he can lay down on Denki's lap

Kaminari blushed and patted his head and ran his fingers through his hair

"Well, do you wanna, uh.. stay here with me then?" He asked, Izuku sat up and nodded his head

"Of course! I don't want to be alone anymore.." he says quietly

"Besides this was my apartment" He continued as Denki laughed

"Alright.." He says and motions him to say his name

"Ah! I-Izuku Midoriya"

"Denki Kaminari, nice to meet you Izuku" Kaminari said, patting his hair

"Hehe, Nice scaring you Denki" he giggled and floated away


Uh, I kinda got this idea because my brother was playing ghost game and the ghost there was adorable and I remembered Izuku's Halloween costume so I had to make this

Anyways.. have an awesome day! Or Night! 💛💚

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