🍰Just sleep Deku, I'm here - Eng.ver🍰

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(Pro hero! Au)

Katsuki arrived at home later than usual, he went in their room and saw a beautiful sight

There Izuku was clutching a body pillow of him, boosting his ego

"Kacchan.." Deku snored as he hugged his Ground Zero body pillow

He quickly pecked his husband's lips, he removed his sweaty and dirty hero costume and threw it in the laundry

He took a quick shower, he dried his hair and put on comfy clothes

He laid next to Izuku and hugged his torso

"Mnn... Kacchan.. How was your day?" He slurred, letting go of the pillow and faced him

"Hmm.. It was good" Katsuki smiled and kissed him

Izuku giggled and buried his face on Katsuki's chest, then went back to sleep

"Night, Love" he said, after hearing Izuku's soft snores and also drifted to sleep

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