🍰Sleep over!🍰

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(My boys are so precious (╯▽╰ ))

"Izuku is it okay if you stay over our place today?" Mirio asks him while they walk back from their internships 

"Sure, If it's okay" He says, Mirio smiles and nodded 

"Of course it's okay! I invited you didn't I?" 


"Yo Togata! Why is a first year here?" A boy in the couch asks, Mirio laughs and starts to carry Izuku princess style and said

"This little cutie is staying with us tonight" That caused Izuku to cover his face as Mirio carries him to his and Tamaki's bedroom

"Oh Mirio, you're back.." Tamaki says, taking his eyes off the TV to look at them, he notices Izuku in his arms and smiles

"Hello Izuku" He greets him, standing upa and kisses Izuku's cheek after Mirio put him down

Izuku giggles and hugs him as tight as he can 

"I missed you" 

"I missed you too" 

They both giggle and hug each other while Mirio pouts next to Izuku

"Aww, can I get a hug too?" he asks 

"Of course you big ball of sunshine, c'mere" Izuku says, reaching his hands out

They hugs for a few more seconds and sat on the bed after they're done 

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Tamaki asks, grabbing the remote 

Tamaki always shows his extroverted side whenever they are together, the two always found it cute when he gets excited 


They tried their best to stay awake but failed and ended up falling asleep, cuddling each other while the TV plays in the background

Morning comes and Tamaki wakes up early, which is a surprise because he usually sleep until noon when there are no classes 

He looks down and blushes when he saw Izuku hugging his waist while Mirio lays his head on Tamaki's shoulder, he is quite embarrassed and tried to keep the noises inside because Izuku is nuzzling his head so closely to Tamaki's you know

Izuku woke up after and smirked, he giggles then cuddled the heck out of him 

Tamaki squeaked and hugged Mirio's arm which caused him to awake up 

"Oh, Morning sunshine, how long have you guys been up?" He asks

"Aww, Tamaki you woke up Mirio" Izuku whined "and I wanted to have a little fun while he was sleeping too.."

"You want to have morning fun? We'll give it to you~" Tamaki purrs, taking Izuku's wrists and pinning them on the bed 


Hey there my dear darlings

Sorry for not posting for a while..

I really didn't know what to write and school work was a headache but here's a little thing after soo long 

Have an awesome day or night! (❁'◡'❁)

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