🍰Phantom kisses🍰

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(Phantom! Tamaki)


Izuku stumbled upon an ancient manor for shelter from the rain. Currently, he's walking in the halls, checking the rooms and etc. 

He saw a huge room with a piano in a middle and a few instruments scattered around it, he went inside. He smiled and sat on the seat next on the piano, he pressed a few keys, he giggled and called it a night. he went to his room and read a bit before falling asleep

Izuku awoke by a sound coming from the hall he rubs his eyes and turns on the lap on the nightstand next to him 

He walks outside and goes to find wear the noise was coming from 

He checked every room but nothing was there, he hasn't checked the piano room yet so he goes to check it out, nothing

He shrugs it off and goes back to sleep 

He wakes up again to another sound, it was louder this time and now he could identify it as a piano

He gets his lamp and walks to the piano room, nothing 

He tilts his head, confused 

'Is it just my imagination?' he thought, he sighs and starts to walk back to the bedroom

A purple ghost appears and looks around, He smiles and sits on the chair and starts to play again, Starting to hum along with his tune 

Izuku peaked around the corner and saw a ghost playing the piano, he looked gorgeous as he was illuminated by the moolight

He smiles, finally catching the one making the noises 

"Aha! I caught you!" Izuku screams 

"Eek!" The ghost yells and turns invisible 

"No wait!-" 

"Ugh.. good job Izuku" he sighs and goes to sit on the chair

"U-Uhm.. Mr. ghost? I-I really liked your song.." He says, looking around to see if the phantom will come back 

The ghost reappears and shyly smiles at him 

"Y-You do?" Izuku nods and smiles back

"W-Well, I-Is it okay if played a song for you?" The ghost asked 

"Mhm" He hums in response and watches the ghost play

"M-My name is Tamaki by the way.." He mumbles as he played

"You can call me Izuku!" He chirped 

What's the difference between a ghost and a phantom? cause I don't know.. 

I have too much drafts rn and I don't really know which one to start. I also may have been procastinating a lot..

Anyway have an awesome day or night

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