🍰The hero and the villain🍰

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Villain! Bakugou x Pro Hero! Deku

"The city is in ruins Deku, you-" the villain stopped, gloves half off and raised an eyebrow "you're wrapped in my coat" he said, looking down on the hero

Swaddled in the thick fur of the huge coat, only the hero's face was visible, his expression between a scowl and a pout. "It's cold and you left your coat in arms reach. If you weren't too tight to heat up your lair, I wouldn't have resolved to thievery"

"You look adorable" the villain said, forcing a sneer in his voice. Because he did look adorable, so warm and perfect

Katsuki turned around and walked a few steps before looking back at him and giving him a slight smirk

Izuku flushed and squealed a bit and hid his face on the fluffy fur on top of the coat

Eventually, Izuku feel asleep

Next day

"Wake up nerd.." Bakugou said, kicking his cage gently

Izuku groaned, clutching the coat tightly as he glared at Katsuki

Bakugou chuckled "Good, you're awake"

"What do you want from me? It's too early.." Izuku whined

"Early?! It's almost noon!" He shouted

"Really?" He asked, Katsuki simply nodded

"And want I you to...." He said and mumbled the rest

"What was that?~" Izuku teased, slowly taking off the coat

"I-I-I s-said I WANT YOU TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME!" Bakugou accidentally screamed

"Oh? You didn't have to raise your voice, Kacchan.. we're in the same room" he teased, standing up in the cage and yanking Katsuki's tie towards him

"And.. why do you wanna date me?" He asked

"I don't know.."

"Is that so? What's in it for me?"

"I won't kill you?"

"Fair enough"

Izuku let go of Katsuki's tie and leaned on the metal bars

"When do you wanna go?" Izuku asked

"Whenever I want, for now, let's have a little talk"

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