🍰🍼Ungodly hours🍼🍰

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(The bakubros and Deku live in the same house)

"Sero-kun, are you awake?" Izuku asks, crawling into bed with him, Sero hums in response and faces him

"What do you need Izuku?" He asks, Izuku kneels next to him and clutches his pajama pants

"I-I want to do i-it today.." he mutters, looking down embarrassed

Sero blushes and smirks right after, he pushes his blanket off then pulls Midoriya on top of him

"Oh Mi amor~ you don't need to be shy about that~"

Izuku blushes and bites his lip, Sero kisses him and licks the lip Izuku bit

He changes his position so he's on top and they continue to make out

Sero pulls away and kisses his neck, he pushes his shirt up and fully takes it off

Izuku accidentally lets out a moan and covers his mouth, he blushed brightly and looked away

"No need to hide your voice Cariño" Sero says, holding his chin and continues to place kisses on his neck and torso as he slowly starts to take off Izuku's pants

"Sero.." Izuku moans

"Hmm?~" Sero hums then started to take off Izuku's boxers

"Please.." He whines, pulling on Sero's hair

Sero smiles and takes his hands, holds them by the wrist and pins them on top of his head

"Amo todo de ti" he whispers and kisses Izuku, moving his hand so his free hand could travel down his body


"Bakugo?" Eijiro says, gently shaking Katsuki awake

"Mn?.." Bakugo slurred

"Can you follow me to the kitchen?" He asks, Katsuki rolled over and scrunched his face

"Why? Ask Pikachu for that" he groaned

"Bro you know he's a heavy sleeper he won't wake up even if I tired" Kirishima whines

"Ugh.. Fine make it quick" he says, pulling off his blanket and drags his pillow out of bed

Eijiro smiles and watches Katsuki walk out the door

The pass Kaminari's room then Sero's room and heard a noise inside

"Sero.. mnn.."

"Izuku quiet down a bit the walls are thin you know"

"What was that?"

"Shitty Deku and Flextape are funckin' lets just go to the kitchen and go back I'm tired" He muttered, hugging his pillow

'How are you so calm about this?'

Kirishima brushed it off and just continued to do his thing in the kitchen

Next day

"Mornin' guys" Izuku yawns, walking in the kitchen in Sero's shirt

"Whoa Midobro, How was your time with Sero last night?" Kirishima asks, making Denki spit out his drink

"What?!" Izuku blushes

"Y-You heard?" He asks, Eijiro nods and Katsuki groaned

"You two were loud, tf" he says as continued to make pancakes

"Good morning" Sero says, just getting into the kitchen

"Broo, why didn't you tell me you guys were a thing?" Kaminari whined

"You didn't tell me when you and Shinso got together" he said back, Denki glared and took a sip of his coffee

"Fair point"

Hey there my dear darlings

So um..

I planned to make this smut but I couldn't do it..

Sorry >~<

Have an awesome day or night

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