🍰A day in the Dabideku household🍰

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Izuku wakes up and pets Nori (name of cat)

He walks to the living room to watch a movie while he waits for Dabi to wake up


Izuku starts breakfast as the cat eats beside him

When he finished, he preps Dabi's and his breakfast and puts it on a small table so he can bring it up to the bedroom

He puts the table on the nightstand and crawls onto Dabi and straddles his legs and kisses his forehead

Dabi stirs awake and smiles, Izuku smiled back and gives him a tight hug before getting up and taking the small table

"Good morning my puppy" Izuku says setting down the tray on the bed

"Morning doll" Dabi says, looking down on the food Izuku made

Izuku sat next to him and picked up the chopsticks and the bowl and picked up the piece of katsudon

"Say ahh~" he said, Dabi blushed and took a bite

Izuku smile and also takes a bite as Dabi chews slowly, watching Izuku's cute face as he eats

After breakfast~

Izuku sets the table next to the bed and snuggles up against Dabi

Dabi wraps his arm around him and covers them with the blanket


Dabi gets up and admires Izuku's sleeping face, he brushes his hair with his fingers

He goes to the bathroom and takes a shower, he gets out and Izuku is now awake, sitting on his knees like a puppy waiting for his master, facing him

Dabi chuckles and gets his clothes and goes back to the bathroom to change, Izuku whines

Dabi comes back fully dressed and pecks Izuku's lip

He smiles, getting off and straightened the bedsheets

"I'm off to the league Izu" he says, Izuku nods and takes the tray, putting the plates on the sink and goes to the living room

Nori meows at him and rubs his head against his leg, he picks up the cat and walks over to the couch

He puts down Nori and sits next to him, Nori crawls on his lap and starts to paw on his thighs

"Nori, that hurts.." he whines, the cat meows and curls in a ball on him and closes his eyes

Izuku sighs and give Nori scritches behind his ear

The cat purrs and flips over, falling on the floor

"Aww.. poor baby.." Izuku cooes and sets the cat back on his lap

Nori paws on his thighs again and lays down, closing his eyes

Izuku reaches for the remote and watches T.V. for a bit


"Time to get some cleaning done" He says, he takes Nori off of him and puts him on the floor

Izuku takes the vacuum cleaner and starts with the living room first, then into the bedroom and the kitchen

(Too lazy to write him clean the house)

"Yosh!" Izuku puts his hand on his hips and looks proudly at the now clean house

"Time for the dishes" he sighed, Izuku puts on an apron and started to clean the bowl they had eaten on

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