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Shigaraki woke up in the middle of the night shaking from the cold

He looked to his side to see Midoriya, all bundled up in the blankets

He smile then remembered that Izuku is a bit of a blanket hogger.. and a heavy sleeper too so he can't just wake him up, he'll just get all grumpy

So he clinged on to Izuku to get some sort of warmth out of desperation and surprisingly, he was pretty hot- I mean warm..

He smiled in content and hugged him like a koala

'Good thing I wore those gloves that Izuku made me' he thought, slowly drifting back to sleep


The next morning Izuku woke up first, well, he always does

He tried to get up but he felt trapped, he looked over his shoulder to see Toumura hugging him

He looked down and saw that he was tangled in the blankets, he tried to squirm but the thought it would wake up Toumura

Then he wondered

'Why hasn't the blankets disintegrated yet?' He thought to himself

Then he looked at the hands wrapped around his belly and smiled

'Aww, he wore the two fingered glove I made' he blushed and his smile grew wider

"Izuku? Are you awake, my angel?" Toumura asked, making Izuku blush brighter

"Mhm.." he hummed

"A-Also, did I hog the blankets again? I'm really sorry.." he whimpered, finally getting himself untangled and sat up

"Ah, don't worry about that.. you were warm though" he smirked, watching Izuku blush and squirm as he complement him, it makes him happy

"A-Alright then, shall I make you breakfast?" He asked, standing up

"Okay, May I have pancakes?" He suggested

"Yep! C'mon let's go, I'll race you there!" He said

"You're so childish Izuku" he joked

"Watch what you're saying or I'm not making breakfast for you, Mister!" Izuku shouted from the hallway

"I was joking baby~" he teased, wrapping his hands around his waist as he walked behind him

"O-Okay then.." he muttered as he hid his face in his hands

"You guys are loud" Toga whined, rubbing her eyes as she drank some coffee

"When did you get here?"

"Been in here for Five minutes now"

"Alright then, would you like some pancakes too Toga?" Izuku offered

"Heck yeah!"


How are you guys today?

Just asking..

also if it's like late in the night or early in the morning at your place and you haven't slept in a while

Go back to sleep! Or I swear I won't continue the other book!

Don't try me.....

And I love all of you 💖💝💕

Anyways.. have an awesome day! Or Night! 🖤💚

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