🍰The wedding ring🍰

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"I cant believe Denki did that.." Izuku whined, walking out of the jewelry shop after returning the promise ring he bought 

'Well, at least the shop keeper was nice enough to let me return it' Izuku thought and as he walk back to their place, he thought about what Denki did and it made him tear up a bit


"Hey buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget!" (I'm sorry I just love yagami yato's nicknames) Denki greets him as he walks into the living room

"Oh, hi Denki" Izuku waves and pats the empty seat beside him, Denki sits and nuzzles his face on the crook of Izuku's neck 

"Do you wanna go on a date night tonight?" He mutters, Izuku lit up 

'Perfect!' He thought 

"Sure!" Izuku exclaimed 

"Great, we'll leave at 8" Denki says, hugging Izuku's waist and takes a small nap as Izuku watches TV 


"Table for two?" The waitress asks, looking at the two gentlemen in front of her, they smiled and nodded their heads "Right this way sirs"

"Thank you" Izuku says to the waitress as she gave him menus, the two gave them their orders and the waitress wrote it down on her notepad

"I'll  be right back with your orders" She says, walking away 

Denki and Izuku waited for their orders to come and conversed with small talk, Kaminari laughs as his hands trail on the pockets of his pants 

"Denki.." Izuku muttered, reaching in his pocket for the promise ring he bought  

"Hmm.. Yes my darling?" Kaminari says, looking at him 


"Oh, before you say anything darling" Denki says getting out of his seat and went down on one knee and pulled the ring out of his pocket 

"Will you marry me?" He asks, some people saw and started clapping, while some started to cheer 

Izuku burst into tears and let go of the ring, he covered his face and cried, nodding frantically. Denki stood up and hugged his fiancé 

They kissed but the promise ring fell off of Izuku's pants 

"Hmm? What's that Izuku?" Denki asked, looking at the ring 

Izuku looked and bent down to get it

"Oh, It's just a promise ring, well.. I won't be needing this since you gave me the real thing~" He says, Denki smiles and kisses once more

"I love you, my beloved husband"

Hey there my dear darlings 

I've done soo much Kamideku oneshots so I did this 

I hope you enjoyed!~

Merry Christmas guys  (o゜▽゜)o☆🎄✨🎇

Have an awesome day or night!

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