🍰🍭Under the moonlight🍭🍰

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(Yes again, I really love this ship
no hate please)

Izuku and Denki were in the beach with their classmates for a class outing

So they sneaked out when the others were asleep

"Do you really want to do this outside? We can just do it in bed ya know" (they're just gonna make out, get your head out of the gutter) Izuku says, laying down on the sand

"Yeah I know, but it's not that romantic!" He whines, laying down next to him

"Yeah, but.. the sand will get in our mouths" he says, looking at him

"Nah, it'll be fine, I'll be on top" Denki said as he got up and pinned him down

"The sand is squishy" Izuku commented, Denki looked at him confused as Izuku leans up to kiss him

Denki kisses back lovingly, Izuku smiled and giggled as he pulled away

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked, letting go of his other hand to pit his fingers under his chin

"You're funny Kaminari-kun, you're very flirty too" he said with a laugh

Denki let go of his hands and looked away, making his emo side appear

"Aww, I didn't mean it like that" he said, hugging his arm

"That's why I love you" Izuku says as Denki smirks and kisses him again

Izuku puts his hands behind Kaminari's neck as the both of them collapse on the sand, still kissing

Just then a roaming hermit crab pinched Kaminari's ankle, making him yelp and pull away

"Ouch! Damn crab!" He yelled rubbing his ankle, Izuku just laughed at his misery

"I told you we should've done it inside" he said, Denki pouted and admits his defeat

"Yeah, we should've"


Okay, my kitten getting better now! And she's playing with Kacchan! (I recently found out that Munchkin's a girl but she's not preggers yet)


Also the lollipops are crack, so weird or funny things might happen like this

But I think this is the only time I would do it

Anyways.. have an awesome day! Or Night! 💛💚

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