chapter 10

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I was at our usual table for lunch. I was a mess since last night with Cassandra, I don't know if I even want to tell Becca I don't want to lose her.  That sounds pure selfish I just got done cheating on her with my ex but I am sitting her not wanting to tell her how could I do that to her.

I watched as Becca enterd the lunch room scanning the room until her eyes landed on me a huge smile speeding across her face. She walked across the crowded lunch room over to me bending down and lightly kissed my cheek. I felt like nasty water a dirty hobo just took a bath in.

"Hey what's up with you, you look like you have not slept in days." She said with a chuckle escapeing her lips.

"I.....I...... just could not sleep last night so I am really tired." I really am nasty water a hobo just washed in.

"Do you want to come over to my house to spend the night my parents won't mind." She had a concerned expression on her face.

I turned to becca and stared into her big hazel eyes. It felt like forever until I got an answer just as I opened my mouth to start speaking Hanna came running to me with tears in her eyes and I knew exactly what happed she told him no.

POV Hanna

I did not know what to do or what just happed. Luke left that's what happened he did not even tell anyone where he was going. I had no idea who to go to Luke did not talk to a lot of people but he did talk to Ash. From the parking lot I ran down the long white hall ways into the overly crowded lunch room looking at the the faces that stair back at me. I had tears running down my face but I did not care I need to find Ash.

I stood in the door way for like 10 minutes before I found his browish blond mop hair. I raced over to him and Becca he looked a mess but we can talk about that later.

I grabbed him by his shrit pulling him up so I was now looking in to his eyes. "WHY DID HE WANT TO LEAVE WHY DID HE ASK ME TO GO?!" With out letting him answer I fell to the ground drowning in my own tears. I felt a hand move onto my shoulder I tried to push it off but it did not budge. "Let's get out of here and talk about that." And with that Ash picked me up off the ground draging me out the way I came in all the way to his car with Becca not far behind.

He opened the front door for me while I got in then slamming it when I got in. I just sat there crying not knowing what else to do.

"Shhhh shhh just calm down." Becca cooed from the back seat soothing down my hair. "What happed?" Ash spoke.

"Yesterday Luke came to my house asking me to run away with him I thought it was a joke but he was not jokeing." Quite sobs esacped me as I toukd what happened. "And to day at lunch we went to the woods and talked I told him that I wanted to wait and what if he found another girl." And with saying that I burst into tears no longer being able to control my self.

Ashton grabbed my wrist that were holding up my head forceing me to look at him. "Where did he go?" I just shook my head unable to speak tears still streaming down my checks "Hanna this is important where did he go?" I could not answer "HANNA WHERE DID HE GO!!!!"

"I DONT KNOW............I don't know. " this made me cry even more not knowing where he went was eating me up inside how was I going to fix this.

I placed my head back in my heads shaking my head to and fro not wanting to except anything that was happening.

"Sh*t we need to find him now."

Well idk if that was good buttttttt what is happening. Hope you liked it!!!!!
P.s it was Ashton that said the last part.
~~~~~~~~~~~ Hanna (^v^)

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