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it didn't take long for jaehyun to respond.

JAEHYUN: so is teasing me while i'm
at work fun now?

taeyong chuckled at his response typing back;

TAEYONG: so what if i am?

JAEHYUN: then stay prepared for when
i do come over.

TAEYONG: ooo i'm so scared!
TAEYONG: i'm totally terrified 

JAEHYUN: i'm leaving work now.

TAEYONG: oh okay

taeyong couldn't lie, he felt really looked and felt really fucking hot right now. he even borrowed some of jaehyun's cologne that he left over when he came last time.

and so taeyong waited patiently for jaehyun to show up, not thinking anything would actually happen.

oh boy, was he wrong.

within ten minutes, jaehyun was knocking on his door. and instantly taeyong went into a state of immediate panic. 

he walked up to open it and the minute he opened it jaehyun instantly slammed him on the wall, while closing the door and locking it shut.

"i was at a meeting, and you think you can do that?" jaehyun said huskily, as he pinned taeyong's wrists on the wall.

"i was just playing..." taeyong pouted. jaehyun scoffed at the elder's words, "you're just needy and wanted my attention."

taeyong stayed silent at his remark. "oh? so i was right?" jaehyun cocked his head coming closer. "all you want is attention." 

"so what if i wanted your attention?" taeyong suddenly spat back. "what are you gonna do about it? bet you're too busy for that anyways."

that angered jaehyun, instantly gripping his waist tight. 

"i'm never too busy for you baby."

in taeyong's four years of highschool he had never lost his virginity.

though he was never a religious person, he promised himself that if he were to get laid that it would be in or after college.

he made it clear to jaehyun that he didn't wanna have sex yet, and jaehyun being the best boyfriend he is, granted and agreed to his wishes. 

jaehyun didn't care, because in the end he wanted taeyong to be happy. and if taeyong was happy, then he was too.

what he made sure, is that they did the same thing to each other, which was one important thing in a relationship.

communicate with each other, good or bad.

ah yes i love consent and communication 

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