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thankfully, hyojong and hyuna's baby was born healthy and happy.

it was a girl, and they were both overjoyed, in fact hyojong cried the minute he saw the baby for the first time. they named her haneul, which means heaven. 

"she looks just like you..." hyuna cooed as she admired her baby. "she has your eyes." she stated. 

"she's beautiful," hyojong praised. "our haneul." he said again as he touched her cheek. "we're going to be great parents." hyuna giggled.

"yes we will be." hyojong responded, then placing a kiss on his girlfriend's lips. "our friends are coming soon." hyuna acknowledged.

"i'm here, i'm here! and i have lucas too!" mark ran in with bags in his hand. "oh my god.." he said breathlessly seeing the baby in hyuna's arms.

"hey mark, wanna hold her?" hyuna remarked, as mark looked at her with pure shock. "r-really? of course!" mark said cheerfully.

mark took the baby, and held her carefully as he began to cry. "mark are you crying?" lucas laughed at him.

"shut up! look at her- wait, is it a girl..?" mark interjected. "it's a girl mark." hyuna reassured. mark gasped, "lucas, get the clothes!"

lucas hurriedly went to the bag and pulled out a pink onesie, with white ribbons on it too. 

he walked over as hyuna took the article of clothing and examined it, in awe. "we weren't sure if it was a boy or a girl...but we got a blue one too." lucas commented.

"it's beautiful, i love it. thank you so much." hyuna smiled, as she looked at the both of them. 

and on april sixth, twenty-nineteen, kim hanuel was born into this world.

taeyong was at the hospital again, only this time with jaehyun as well.

he held his hand tightly, as the walked together towards his mother's room. "is this it?" jaehyun said as taeyong stopped.

"yeah," he breathed out. "let's go in."

as they walked inside, he saw his mother looking sickly and asleep. taeyong went to sit beside her as jaehyun still held his hand standing up.

"even when she's sleeping, she still looks like you." jaehyun complimented. taeyong blushed, "i hear that a lot from my sister."

"hey mom," taeyong greeted. "i, um..have a guest. it's my boyfriend, his name is jaehyun." he stated.

"hi ms. lee." jaehyun said softly. "don't worry, i will take care good care of your son." he reassured.

"no matter what."

fuck, i'm lonely

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