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"i'm very confused by the silver pole randomly in our room."

taeyong looked up to see jaehyun examining the object in their room. "trust me, i'm just as confused as you are." he admitted.

"do i like...spin on it?" jaehyun asked, as he walked around it. "how about," taeyong stood up guiding him away from the pole. "we just don't touch it?"

jaehyun shrugged, flopping on his bed. "i'm so bored." he said to himself, as he was sprawled all over the bed. 

taeyong sat on the foot of the bed, looking at him. "what do you wanna do?" taeyong asked him. the younger shrugged, unsure of what to do.

"something...exciting..." (IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW) jaehyun breathed out. "how about, we go shopping?" taeyong suggested.

"sure." jaehyun agreed, getting up from the bed. "mom gave me my allowance of one-thousand this week anyways," he said, getting out of the bed.

taeyong scoffed at how cocky jaehyun was acting towards him. "just one-thousand?" he mocked to himself, as he saw jaehyun walk to the bathroom.

"spoiled ass bitch."

going shopping with jaehyun felt different to taeyong now.

there was no, holding hands, or jaehyun offering him to buy him something that he would look at through the window.

luckily, taeyong did make a high paying salary, so it wasn't a problem for him to afford the luxury lifestyle he desired.

they stepped inside a random shop, and parted their ways looking for what they both liked. surprisingly, they both had similar tastes and landed on a jacket.

"you like this jacket too?" taeyong asked jaehyun as they stood in front of the mannequin. "it's a nice fabric." jaehyun complimented, admiring the piece.

"you can have it then." taeyong smiled. "no, i think you should have it.." jaehyun insisted. "no i insist that you have it." taeyong obliged to the younger.

"no seriously, you take it." jaehyun pled. "jaehyun, i'm doing this because i know you want it. take it." taeyong sighed, getting tired of their bickering.

"why do you want me to have it so badly?" jaehyun then tested the elder. "well, why don't you take it? i'm being nice here." taeyong scoffed at him.

jaehyun sighed, as he turned to face taeyong face to face, walking close to him. "what?" taeyong spat at him. 

"i want you to have it baby."

johnny? yuh.

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