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"i don't know what to do."

jaehyun pet taeyong's hair as they sat on the couch comfortably. "i never knew him, i-i just don't want the money to ruin me.." taeyong admitted.

"how would it ruin it you?" jaehyun raised a brow. "well, i guess i'm just afraid of what happens from there." taeyong shrugged.

"you know my mom told gave me a lot of advice as i got older," jaehyun started. "and one thing she told me when i came out, which was really important was..."

"was what?" taeyong suddenly asked. "was that, i had faced my biggest fear and conquered it." jaehyun said with a smiled.

"are you saying to just do it?" taeyong asked. "i'm saying to face your fears." jaehyun corrected him.

"just think about it, no pressure. you got a month." jaehyun said as he kissed his forehead. taeyong nodded, as he began to think to himself.

should he take the money?

taeyong didn't sleep much that night.

his mind was too distracted for him to close his eyes. so here he was, sitting on jaehyun's balcony with a glass of wine.

it was three am, and he sat admiring the city life of korea. 

"why are you still awake?" jaehyun asked, seeing taeyong sitting on one of the chairs. taeyong turned, to see jaehyun in his pajama pants and shirtless.

"why are you still awake?" taeyong tested him. jaehyun sighed, as he noticed the glass of wine in his hand.

"taeyong, have you been drinking?" jaehyun said, as he crossed his arms. "what the fuck are you talking about cunt." taeyong said as he got up.

he stood on wobbly legs as he, held his hand drunkenly. "alright, let's get you to bed.." jaehyun sighed, as he took the glass out of his hand.

he set it on the outside table, then swinging taeyong over his shoulder. "get off of me bitch!! i am lee taeyong!!" taeyong screamed as he swung his legs.

"yeah, i love you too." jaehyun said nonchalantly, as he laid taeyong on the bed. "go to sleep now love." jaehyun kissed his forehead, as he pulled taeyong for a hug.

"i don't wanna sleep!!" taeyong said as he wiggled in jaehyun's embrace. jaehyun sighed, as he closed his eyes holding taeyong tightly.

"go to sleep taeyong."

online relationships are weird sorry not sorry

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