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"i can't believe you waited six hours for me until my shift ended."

jaehyun chuckled, as he walked hand in hand with taeyong down the road near his apartment. 

"it was satisfying seeing you pour those drinks." jaehyun remarked. "really? that's all you say?" taeyong scoffed.

"what do you want me to say then?" jaehyun said rhetorically. taeyong stopped in his tracks, looking at jaehyun eye to eye.

"tell me you love me." taeyong said softly.

"i'm not gonna say it," jaehyun started. "not here at least," he added again. he then took taeyong past his apartment, to the docks.

they sat down at the edge of the boat docks, and taeyong rested his head on his shoulder. "are you gonna say it now?" taeyong asked.

jaehyun nodded, "of course."


taeyong couldn't help but burst out into laughter, as jaehyun screamed at the top of his lungs. "you're ridiculous!" taeyong exulted.

jaehyun then stood up, and picked up taeyong letting him wrapping his legs around his waist. "this is my world right here." jaehyun whispered.

"am i really?" taeyong questioned. "you always will be." jaehyun said, as their foreheads touched softly.

"thank you all for coming to my show tonight."

the audience cheered, as eric stood on the stage with a smile. "now, tonight's show is really special. i have a new song actually," eric announced.

girls in the audience screamed, as they clapped. "it's called 'love die young'." eric added. "i hope you all enjoy."

in the midst of girls screaming, jae was in the back with a mask. hidden behind the mask was a smile, of excitement.

"this song is dedicated to someone," eric said before he started. "maybe you guys will figure out." he chuckled.

and soon enough, eric was singing his heart out as girls swooned over his voice. jae, had tears in his eyes, trying not to cry.

those were the best three minutes of his life, as he noticed eric looking right at him at the very end of his performance.

"now i'm sure that you all are wondering why is special, yeah?" eric asked and the audience said yes in chorus.

"well, i know you all have wondered about my love life. and to settle things, yes i do have someone in my life." eric said with a smile.

the audience gasped, as girls started yelling out questions. "and he's actually here tonight," eric said, as he emphasized the 'he'.

"jae," eric said softly. "come up here baby."

jae took off his mask as he walked through the audience, and soon was reunited with eric. "guys," eric smiled. "this is jae, my boyfriend."

the audience began clapping, as cheers were heard loudly throughout. "we've been together for two years, and i love him." eric smiled.

jae looked at him with star-like eyes, as he pulled eric by the hair and kissed him in front of the crowd.

as they let go, jae smiled.

"i love you."

"i love you too."


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