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the announcement of jae and eric's relationship had it's ups and downs.

for the most part, people were supportive and were happy for both of them. other's however, weren't so happy about eric being gay.

jae and eric didn't care, they were happy. 

"that went well didn't it?" eric said, as jae washed his face in the mirror. "i think it did." jae smiled, as he wiped his face dry.

"good, i'm happy that it went well for you." eric said, as he kissed jae's cheek when he crawled into bed with him. 

"i'm so happy now." jae said as he laid his head on eric's chest. "i am too. what do you wanna do to celebrate?" eric smirked.

"you just wanna have sex don't you?" jae said playfully. "so what if i do?" eric questioned, as he hovered over the boy.

"what are you gonna do about it baby?"

"i like dates like this." 

jaehyun smiled, "then we'll have them more often."

taeyong and jaehyun were at the park, having a picnic near the han river. taeyong laid on jaehyun's lap.

he fed him grapes, mimicking a greek god action. taeyong didn't mind, he liked being pampered by his boyfriend. 


"what is it that you love about me?" taeyong suddenly asked. "there's a lot that i love about you, i could make a list." jaehyun said simply.

"continue." taeyong replied. "well firstly, i love your eyes." jaehyun named. 

"i love your waist, it's small and allows me to wrap my arms around you easily."

"i love your smile, it's adorable."

"i love your voice when you try to speak english."

"and lastly, and most importantly," jaehyun finalized. "i love you. i love you so much, to the point where i would do anything for you."

"anything?" taeyong giggled. "yes yongie, anything." jaehyun bubbled, booping his nose. "that's a cute name." the elder said.

"i don't really have one for you though.." taeyong pouted. "how about, prince?" taeyong suggested to him.

"i like that one," jaehyun gushed. "i'll call you princess." 

"i love you prince."

"i love you too princess."

sweet talk t'me baby

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