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"i think that's it for now, i'll be right back with your note."

mark smiled, walking out of the room to get his patient's doctors not ready for when he returned back to school.

mark was a nurse in the ICU. he enjoyed his job, working hard for it in college and was the youngest in the field where he worked.

"tough night, tonight lee?" the receptionist asked as mark walked into the lobby. "not tonight hyuna," mark laughed going to the printer.

"what about you?" mark coaxed. hyuna sighed with a smile on her face, "ah, i think it's the same for me every night."

"the baby is almost here, i can feel it." hyuna smiled to him. "congratulations! i hope you have a safe delivery." mark beamed.

"i know, me and hyojong are still gonna figure out a name." hyuna bubbled.

 "well, i think regardless, the baby will be beautiful, like her mother." mark exulted. "oh stop it! we don't even know the gender either."  hyuna asserted.

"really? well, then it's double the surprise!" mark crowed, making hyuna chuckle at his excitement.

mark nodded, "i hope the baby arrives soon. i'll be in all night. so i'll see you zero-seven-hundred?" 

(nurses and medical staff use military time lol)

hyuna hummed, "i'll be here all night mark." mark waved his goodbyes, as he walked back to his patient's room to take care of them for the night. 

and mark was right, the minute he went to the lobby for the end of his shift he saw hyuna being loaded onto a hospital bed.

"hyuna!" mark ran over. "noona, are you okay?" mark said worriedly. hyuna had a cheerful smile, "mark, it's time."

mark gasped, "y-you mean...?" and hyuna nodded. "oh my god! well, i hope it goes smooth! call me when they're here!" he chirped.

"of course i will mark, now i suggest you get going before my water breaks." hyuna laughed and mark nodded.

"see you soon hyuna-noona and noona's baby!" mark grinned as he went into the elevator as hyuna waved goodbye.

c'mon i had to do it

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