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"it's cold!"

jaehyun laughed, as taeyong felt uncomfortable from the dye being poured on his head. "it's bleach silly." jaehyun said.

"just wait, it's gonna burn soon too." the younger warned. "do you even know what you're doing?" taeyong asked rhetorically.

"no clue." jaehyun said with a smirk. "whatever, just don't make me go bald." taeyong scoffed. jaehyun just chuckled, as he continued to apply the product.

"what made you wanna switch to red?" jaehyun asked, almost done with the bleach. "i like strawberries, so i thought why not become one?" taeyong said with a giggle. 

"that's cute. strawberries taste good too." jaehyun smirked looking at taeyong in the mirror. "what are you implying jung jaehyun?" taeyong said nervously.

"oh nothing..." jaehyun said mischievously. "you truly are something else, aren't you?" taeyong raised a brow.

"you're gonna look so hot after this," jaehyun asserted. taeyong couldn't help but blush from his words.

after an hour of of burning bleach in taeyong's scalp, he was thankfully not bald and as jaehyun predicted, looked so hot.

then it was jaehyun's turn. jaehyun was going back to brow again, because he missed it. taeyong had never seen him with it, so he was excited.  

eventually after several hours, of repeated showers and waiting they both had new hair. taeyong's was a bright cherry red, while jaehyun had a chesnut like color.

as a celebration, they bought a cake and decided to invite some friends over. it seemed fitting, and taeyong made some new friends too.


it's nobody's birthday, but we still bought the cake

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it's nobody's birthday, but we still bought the cake...
89 likes, 4 comments

marklee: strawberry headass

l.wong: the cake looks like something else...*smirk*

the cake matches hyung's hair!! :D

leledolphin: you two are sooo cute!! <33

marklee: @l.wong i can't stand you sometimes i swear

jjaehyun: <3

l.yongie:  @jjaehyun <3


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