Chapter 9:

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"I need you to go somewhere with me this Wednesday! For some business" Tigress states.
"Where?" I ask.
"I can't say. But you'll be like an escort" she says.
"Would you go?" She adds
"OK! I will go but you need to pick me up"I say.
" sure! No prob"Tigress says and we go back to eating our meals.

After eating, we exit the restaurant. We are now on our way. Tigress gets me home and I say goodbye to her and enter the house. My parents and Trina are not back. I go straight to my room and put on the television. I wanted to watch a movie. I finally settled on Everything, Everything and watched it whiles munching on some popcorn.

My phone rings and I look at the caller ID. It was Troy. I pick up
"Hey Troy!"
"Nikki! How are you?" Troy says at the other end in a cheerful tone.
"Am okay!" I reply
"Its lunch time here at school. Am here with Kimberly, Danny and Aaron in the cafeteria" Troy spits and I hear him munch on something.

"Oh okay! Then bon appetite!" I reply.
Troy chuckles.
"We just wanted to find out how you are doing" Troy says
I smile."Thanks"I say.
"Tigress will be meeting us this weekend! At your club house"
"Really? Its a long time I've seen her! I will tell the others." Troy states.
"Oh and I almost forgot. There's a newbie in the school" Troy says.
"Really? A boy or girl?" I ask

"A boy. He has blond hair and crystal grey eyes. He's quite tall and has tattoos on his neck and arms. He's been in most of my classes today! But unfortunately I don't remember his name. Kate is all over him! I think she likes him"

The description of the guy is like Jake but I can't put my ginger on it that its him? Maybe its someone else.
"Kate is a real slut! She couldn't wait! She began pestering the guy like some pest!" I state.
"Exactly Nicole! I even feel pity for the guy!" Troy states.
"But wait! Why is Kate in school? Isn't she supposed to be at home?" I ask quite surprised.
"I'm surprised as well Nikki! I think her parents bribed the principal" Troy states

"She has a white collar around her neck and a leg band around her leg. I think she had some fractured bones there" Troy says.
I shrug.
"Serves her right for bursting my bubble"
Troy chuckles. I hear the bell ring behind.
"Its time for class! I gotta go"he says and hangs up.
I slouch my bed. I must admit I miss school. The crowded hallways, the familiar smell of textbooks, the slamming of lockers, the annoying sound of the bell, the noisy cafeteria! Everything! I sigh.

Jake POV:
I thought first day of school was going to be awkward but so far its nice here. Everyone is sweet and the teachers are interesting. I sigh. Kentwood High.

I must admit I was hoping to see my new friend Nikki here but it seems she doesn't attend this school. I check my class schedule and I have literature. I don't even know the way to the class! I search around. There's no student around here! They are all gone and I think am a few minutes late.

I ruffle my hair up quite nervous. What am I going to do now?
I hear someone cough behind me and I turn to see a guy. He was quite broader than me but was the same height as me with dark brown hair and green eyes.

He was holding a few textbooks in his hands along with his phone. He sees me and he's surprised.
" errr.....Hi!"I say nervously
He nods.
"I'm a newbie here! Please can you show me the way to literature class?" I ask him
He smiles and brushes the hair out of his face. I notice he has lots of tattoos on his right hand.

"Sure! I'm also going to the same class!" He says.
"Okay! Let's go then" I reply and he walks alongside me taking powerful strides.
We enter an elevator and I see him punch a button. Then it opens again and we come out. We strut down the hallway together.

Finally, we appear in front of a class with a few students. I was glad the girl with the pink hair wasn't here! The guy files in and I follow.

He walks straight to his seat but the teacher calls him and that's when I got to know his name.... Aaron.

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