Chapter 39:

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Nicole POV:
"Where in the world is my fucking phone?" I yell frustratedly searching frantically in my bedroom. Then I remember I lost it during the run
I'm so dumb!

I've been in this room for hours looking for the fucking phone!
"Nicole would you hurry up? We are running late!" Trina hollers from downstairs.

"Coming!" I holler back and glance at my reflection in the mirror for the last time. I need to get a new phone! I pick up my satchel and it weighs a ton. I sling it over my shoulder and exit my room.

"Its about time" mom scoffs.
"Sorry! I was looking for my phone" I apologise.
Mom rolls her eyes and we all walk to the garage and sit in the car.
I wonder what Alec is doing right now.  He was dumbstruck when he heard he was going to be a father. I know his mom is going to be so disappointed in him! And maybe we cannot continue with our fake relationship anymore.

Trina gets down first.
"Mom can I have a new phone? I lost the old one" I tell her nervously. I told her I slept over at a friend's house the day I didn't show up at home. If I told her I was chased by a bear, she would have a heart attack and would have taken me to see the doctor for a series of check ups.

"What happened to the old one?" Mom asks with bewilderment evident in her tone. How am I going to tell her that I lost it whiles running from a grumpy brown bear?
"It just got missing" I reply.
She sighs

"How did it get missing?" She interrogates and I let out a sigh of defeat.

"I think I dropped it or something. I bumped into someone and  it fell without me noticing" I lie and I was glad when she nodded, obviously buying the idea

"When did you lose it?" She presses on and I huff.

"Two days ago" I lie again hoping she would quit the interrogation now.

"Okay! I'll get you a new one today"she promises and I let out a silent scream
"Thanks mom" I yelp and kiss her cheek. Her phone rings  , distracting us and she puts it on speaker.
"Hey honey! I'm back" my dad's voice booms from the phone.
"That's great! So where are you?" Mom spits
"At work! But tonight we will be having dinner together alone so tell Nicole to take charge"
"Sure! I love that!" Mom spits
"Okay! See you tonight! Look beautiful" dad says and hangs up.

"Nicole! Your dad and I will be having dinner tonight so you'll take charge of the house baby"

"No problem mom! Am at your service" I reply and she chuckles. She enters my school's parking lot.

"Be a good girl! " mom says. I get down and wave her as she leaves. I spot Jake's new car enter the parking lot and I frown slightly.
I need to talk to him. I have to. I watch as he gets down from the car looking breathtakingly handsome. He shuts the door after taking out his bag

I approach him nervously. His gaze lands on  me  and a frown becomes apparent on his features. He begins to walk in the other direction trying to ignore me. I stride faster to catch up with him as I call out his name.

"Jake!" I call but he doesn't respond and he keeps on walking. I call him again and he doesn't even turn to look at me.  He walks faster and faster and l have to jog to catch up with him. I continue to follow him and call his name until we get to the hallway. He turns to face me. His eyes dark and jaw clenched

"Leave me alone Nikki!" He states coldly at me and I shudder suddenly regretting for calling him.
He turns around and gets punched in the face. He lands on the floor beside me and I flinch.

A guy stands there. He has red hair and green eyes. His fists are balled at his sides and he glares at Jake on the floor.
"Stay away from my girlfriend! Do you hear me?" He yells at Jake. Jake gets up. His mouth is busted. He actually deserved that punch for treating me like a total stranger!

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