Chapter 65:

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So we appeared at the same diner— where we met to discuss our first project which is now crossed out. Jake gets down and I follow suit. He looks at the place with a thoughtful expression on.
"We came here the last time" I remind him and he nods.
"I need to fix some things here" he replies with sadness evident in his tone. There was something about this place that he wasn't telling me but I shrug. There is no need for him to tell me since we are not even friends.

He goes straight for the front door and I follow.
"Jake!" Someone yells quite enthused to see him at the counter. He was talking to a waiter I think.
"Jeff!" Jake replies and hugs the guy who was wearing a chef hat and was clad in white.

"Its been so long! Where did you go?" Jeff asks
"I didn't go anywhere Jeff. I just stopped working here for a reason"
Jake worked here? As a what? Chef? Waiter? Bartender? Or what?

"I missed you buddy! We all thought you would never come back. After Madison's birthday you just vanished into thin air" Jeff narrates and Jake gives him a soft smile.
What does Madison have to do with Jake too? Okay I'm confused.

"Yes I know but I came to greet all of you again."
"Our boss told us you were the son of his wealthy friend"
Jake nods
"But why were you working for our boss if your father was his friend?"
"Its a long story Jeff. I'll tell you later. Right now, you need to get back to your shift"

"Yeah. My shift will soon end and your replacement will be here" Jeff tells him.
"Is he a good guy?" Jake asks
"Yes he is! He is just like you"

"Okay. But I have something for you" Jake says and digs into his pocket bringing out a cheque.

"This is for you buddy" he says handing it to him.

"But this is too much!" Jeff retorts
"No! Its not! And its all yours"

Jeff looks like he is about to cry.
"Thanks bro" he says and hugs him.
Jake pats his back slowly. Then they break apart with smiles on their faces.

"I would never forget this" Jeff says sniffing a bit.
"Loosen up Jeff!" Jake taunts and he chuckles. I was seeing the sweet part of Jake. I don't know what Jeff meant to him but what just happened here is so sweet and I feel like crying too.

"Who is she? Your girlfriend?" Jeff asks with a huge taunting smile and my stomach churns as he was referring to me.
"No she is project partner" Jake replies with a small smile.

"Hello! I'm Nicole" I say to Jeff even though I was hurt Jake called me a 'project partner' but all the same, that was the right term.
"Nice to meet you Nicole! I'm Jeffrey but you can call me Jeff"
I smile in response.

"Jeff, is boss around?" Jake asks
"You still call him boss?"
"Well he was my boss"
"He went out to get some stuff but he will be back by seven"
"Okay thanks and please prepare some two hot beefburgers for Nicole and I as we sit here to discuss some things"

"Sure bro. It will be ready in a sec" Jeff says with a wink and dashes into the kitchen. Jake walks over to a table near the window and sits down looking outside. There were a few people here eating.

"You used to work here?" I ask out of curiosity and he glowers at me. It takes him long enough to respond.

"Yes." He stated simply with sadness written all over his face.

"So what were you? A waiter? A chef? What?" I ask even though I know he is going to bite my head off for asking again. He gives me a death glare before speaking.

"I was a chef here before I met my father" he stated again this time without looking at me. Maybe I can get him to tell me more! But why was I asking all these questions if we were enemies. I just felt curious.

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